Chapter Four - "Two"tally Spies

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Sonia and I have been in the shop since six in the morning because we had to bake the cakes and prepare the tables and chairs and to my surprise, Cookie was also there at that time.

I asked Sonia if she told him to be here at six and she told me that she didn't, but told him that sometimes we go to work early for the cakes.

"Isn't he sweet?" She giddily asked as she decorated a chocolate flavored cake. "See? He isn't bad at all!"

"Sonia, you couldn't just trust anyone." I replied, shaking my head. "I'm still suspicious of him. Who knows? He might be working at Magic Oven."

If you're curious what Magic Oven (whatta lame name) is, it is our #1 competitor and it's just on the other street. It is owned by an old woman who owns 54 cats and 13 birds (lolz).

I continued frosting the cake I just baked and there are still three more to go. We only have an hour left before we open up the store.

When I was already on the second cake, Cookie entered the kitchen and told Sonia that he was done arranging the shop and asked if he could go out for a while.

Knowing that Sonia is a huge fangirl of him and adores him so much, of course she would say yes.

He thanked her and finally- oh wait. This is the right time to spy on him! I'm positive that the old woman from Magic Oven hired him as a spy to check on us or something. I immediately dismissed myself from Sonia and told her that I'll just get something in the stock room.

I ran my way to the main door to catch up on him. I looked to the left and to the right if he was going to any of those directions, but I didn't see him and when I faced front, there he was, walking to where Magic Oven is.

I ran to that direction since he was getting far and made sure to maintain a certain distance.

I suddenly remembered my favorite cartoon when I was young. It was called Totally Spies and I really found it cool that I wanted to be one someday. Now I'm feeling like a real one as I spy on a spy (lol). He's going to the direction of where Magic Oven is and I'm already thinking of ways on how to attack him.

So yeah I was really acting and feeling like a spy and all as I hide behind cars, posts and shops until I noticed an old lady carrying a huge basket, trying to cross the street. You see, I always have this soft spot for old people and I have no idea if I should give up on following Cookie and help her out until I saw him approach the lady. He was saying something to the lady which I cannot hear and it was my first time to see him smile. He gets the huge basket from the lady and looked like he was really willing to carry it for her-

Wait, what?

He's suddenly changing directions as he guides the lady to cross the street which leads to the bus station.

I was too stunned that I didn't notice that he was already far. I was already losing my tracks as I run to where I last saw him. I continued to run until something got a hold of my wrist which halted me.

"Are you stalking me?" It was him, ohmygod. My body suddenly froze as I look at him with wide eyes due to shock.

Before I reply, I removed my wrist from his grasp and thought of a nice excuse.

"Why would I stalk you? I-I'm going to the b-bus... station!" I made an excuse which obviously failed because why the hell would I even go there at this time when the shop is about to open???

"Whatever you-"

The next thing I'm aware of, I hear a roaring sound of a motorcycle, getting louder and louder in every second and then I realize it was going to my direction.

It was all too sudden. I wanted to move, but I couldn't run to the side where the driver of the motorcycle won't hit me until-


Nope, you're all thinking the wrong thing.

He didn't do anything romantic or something worth to make a slow motion scene.

Yes, I wasn't hit by the motorcycle, but he freaking pushed me! Can you believe it? He! Pushed! Me! and now I'm on the ground groaning due to pain.

Just when I was about to change my impression of him, he proved to me once again that he is a cold hearted jerk.

Author's Note

What did you guys think Indigo would do?

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