Part Four: Nightmares

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The world then swirled around me fast and reappeared a few seconds later, me once again dizzy from that. I felt myself get dropped to the ground abruptly, landing on my wrist in a painful way. I stood up and attempted to run, but was stopped by the hands, which tripped me, making me land on my back and head, pain zinging through me.

"You're not going anywhere," Gaster said in a sickening tone, my vision going in and out of clear and blurry a little bit.

I kept myself from crying, slowly getting up from my back and sitting, holding my wrist. It was painful.

The room around us was big and clean, the walls made of some metal, which made the room seem almost blindingly bright. My eyes slowly adjusted to the shiny environment, making me squint less and less.

A bright flash of yellow appeared at the opposite end of the room a few second later, looking mad as all get out.

"Gaster! Stop being a fool!"

He laughed, "I'm not being the fool! You are."

The landscape around me starting melting away, into my childhood playground, and I tried to push the vision away or something, but failed. There I was, on the ground, pushed down by the boys and girl who would not leave me alone.

The snake, as I called him, took a step towards me, making me flinch a little. I already had a bloody nose and starting to swell eye.

"Look, she's scared!" He taunted, all the jerks behind him laughing, especially his little Princess, as I'd come to calling her.

"W-What do you w-want?" I whispered, barely audible.

He kicked the ground beside me, "Speak up, Freak!"

"W-What do you want?" I shouted, standing up.

He took a step back, surprised by this. I could feel tears form at the backs of my eyes, both from pain and being sick of being called Freak.

"Just for you to leave! Why don't you go and join your kind in the Underground, Freak?" He pushed me, making me stumble back and onto the road. They all laughed and walked away, me panicking as a car fast approached. I narrowly made it from the road, holding a hand over my heart.

A few footsteps made my blood pressure rise even further until a hand was lent my way. It was my younger brother, and he looked concerned.

I took it with gratitude, going back to hold my bleeding nose again.

"You're not a Freak," He whispered.

I smiled and laughed a little, "Thanks. You're not either. Or maybe we are, and we're Freaks together. I think that would be better than not being Freaks." I winked at him with my good eye.

We both laughed as we made our way back.

The landscape then melted back into the lab, where I found myself standing. I looked down to my hands, which were shaking, and back up. Gaster watched me, a sickening smile on my face, as Sans looked at me.

I then felt something wet on my face, near my nose, and realized it was a nose bleed.

"My magic will kill her," Gaster announced, making me jump a little bit, "So I'd suggest stopping trying to fight me."

Sans sighed, and lowered his hand, defeated.

I then gasped as Gaster sent an attack towards him. Everything seemingly went in slow motion as I dashed towards him, jumping in front of the attack. It hurt like when Snake punched me, except a million times more painful. I landed on the ground a few seconds later, landing on my already hurt wrist again. A few tears slipped out and I grabbed my chest, the place it hurt the most.

"Oh, oh my," The strange skeleton laughed evilly, "This is just precious. You care for each other, it's neutral."

I took a deep inhale as I felt myself lifted off the ground, Sans eye sockets widening as I was lifted off the ground.

"I-If you touch her—" Sans started.

"What will you do?" Gaster taunted him.

Sans sighed, helpless. I didn't struggle, holding my now throbbing wrist close to me. He dropped me again, but I didn't put my hands out. Instead, I painfully landed on my back, and I immediately regretted my decision.

"Stop it! You're hurting her!" He yelled.

I curled up on the floor, everything in even more pain than before. Because that was possible, apparently.

"I know I am. But I don't care."

My soul then floated out of my chest, and I reached for it, but then crippled even further as I felt a horrible pain in my chest. I then noticed that Gaster was attacking me. I tried to get up. . .

"Stop it!" He yelled.

"Stop caring and it won't be painful anymore!" Gaster shouted back.

Sans closed his eyes as if he was in physical pain too, and then his face morphed into the most neutral expression I'd ever seen. The attacks slowly stop.

I painfully fell to my elbows, me trying to keep my eyes open as I tried not to pass out from the pain.

"See? Doesn't that feel better? When I stopped caring, I gained, even more, power than I ever had before. But, I can't let you be strong. . ." Gaster whispered as he neared Sans, and I gasped as I felt something squeeze my soul.

Sans' face morphed into worry and he spun around to Gaster, who had disappeared. The pressure on my soul left, leaving me to cry in pain. He ran over, picking me up.

"Shh, shh, it'll be okay," He whispered to me as I felt us teleport again.

The familiar feeling of the house then filled my senses, making me painfully smile a little. He laid me down on the couch and then sat on the floor beside he, holding my hand. I then felt a warm sensation on my skin, and the pain slowly eased.

"I'm healing you," He explained, "I-It's okay if you need to rest, you seemed like you were in a lot of pain."

I nodded, agreeing with him on both of his points.

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