confused love

18 4 0

i don't know
if i love you or not
but i promise you
i care about you

i don't know
if this feeling
will do something
and if it will...

i don't know
if it'll be good or bad
or if i'll just be sad
sadder than normal

i don't know
if i'll regret
and hurt this
our friendship

because i don't know
if i can stand losing you
but i can't stand
not knowing if i'd say 'i do'

i don't know
if what i feel is right
if i'm grieving the past
if i'm rebounding

i'm confused
i think i love you
because i can't stand
to lose you
but i don't know
if i'm lonely
if i'm wounded
from his accidental scars

i don't know
i'm confused
is this love?
or simple infatuation?

i think i'm confused love...

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