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Hey guys before I start out the story I just want to give a shout out to my cover artist tifftheawsome who made this cover for this book. Anyways hope you all enjoy the book and would really be on cloud nine if you vote and comment.


The bell rings and wakes me out of my long nap I was having in class. I never learned anything in biology anyway, God I hate this subject. Its like who the hell in this class wants to be a scientist and learn all about those organisms and physisms whatever they name stuff.

I grab my books off my desk and quickly put them in my bag then throw my bag on my shoulder as I walk out the over populated class.

I walk through the populated halls of gossiping teens of WIngsbell High, as walk suddenly somebody covers my eyes.

"Guess who babe?" A voice I know very well asked me as they giggle.

"Barack Obama?" I said playfully knowing full well who it was.

"Funny." The person takes their hands from over my eyes and walk in front of me smiling.

"Jack why were you sleeping in bio class again?"

"I don't know it just doesn't keeps my interest long enough." I said with a smile making my beautiful friend Avery burst into laughter.

"You do know you're going to flunk that class right?" She says as we walk together through the crowded hallway.

"Well I am prepared for the result."  I said looking at Maria Verrin, while Avery starts to tease me but I phase her out, I was just hypnotyze by this girl's beauty. I mean she had long brown hair,her face clear as a beautiful day with dimples to compliment it, also her body was rocking crazy with a flat stomach and with a little butt not too much I thought to myself.

"Jack are you even listening to me?" Avery asks as she looks at me then Maria and she smiles teasing me to go and talk to her.

"Hell no. Am not going to talk to her so her big bad football player can throw me around like his foot ball."  I say nervously to Avery as she laughs at me and shakes her head.

"All am saying is sometimes a girl gets tired of waiting for the boy her heart trully wants."  She says as we both walk off as I continue to look at Maria who notices me then smiles at me which made me immediatly smile back.

" Did you watch the news last night?" Avery ask me as we stop at her locker.

"No. I don't do those things am only 16,Youtube,Twitter and Facebook takes up most of my teenage life."  I said shaking my head as if I accomplish something while she rolls her eyes.

"Well sorry if am not your typical teenager roaming on media sites every second of my life. I watched the news last night and you would not believe whats going on."  She says as she looks for the combination code on her lock for her locker.

"Ok.......try me." I said trying to sound intrested because I am totally not, I mean come on am 16 the only thing that intrest me right now is Maria.........Maria..........ummmmm oh yeah Maria.

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