chapter 6 :D

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ok so this was gunna be heaps good .... niall just asked victoria truth or dare ? and she answered dare this is so gunna be good :) at the moment niall is thinking of what to dare her to do and i seriously cannot wait until he says the dare because i just know its gunna be good ... well i hope anyway !

"ok , i got it .... wiat no but i could do that one or no i could do that , oh that would be funny but it is kinda mean .... ohh i could do that ... wait nah ill just-" niall was talkig to himself confused at himself until victoria interupted

"no, please just hurry up the suspense is killing me and seriously you speaking out loud about how you have so many different things to get me to do makes it worse ... just pleasee choose one quickly .. pwease??" tori spoke loudly so everyone could here while she was also trying to show no fear which deffs did not work cause you could so tell she was scared which made me chuckle ... i thought i chuckled on the inside until i noticed everyone looking at me with a confused look but i just ignored them and they all went to back to staring at niall for his dare ....

"ok, i dare you too...................................................................... " "niall hurry up" "ok, ok dont get your aussie nickers in a twist .... i dare you to , run down the street in 1D undies and scream i love niall james horan and i wish i could just snog his face off .... and i wish he would marry me !! and i want you too scream it repeatedly " he said with a cheeky grin on his face ...

just at that moment i had to tweet , seriously this moment was just to funny to not share it !

@aprilhoran98: heheh 'truth or dare' with the boys and girls ... so far so good :D ...<3 xx.....

then i tagged all of the guys and gals in it with a photo of us all sitting on the ground in our circle attached to the tweet and then after i tweet all you heard were random beeps from peoples phones saying they had a notification ... :) lo, and it was because of me ... but then i relised a bunch of peope laughing and then relised my twitter name and started cracking up myself because i had refused to tell them my twiiter name as i said it was imbarrasing.... which it really isnt now because im dating niall but ehh...

"hey, victoria dont think we have forgotten your dare go on go get undressed you minnga ..." i said to her remembering that we were still playing the game , she then glared at me becuase .. well obviously because i had just reminded everyone she still had an awfully funny/humiliating dare to do .. =D cheeky me !


the awful but fun and eventful game of truth or dare had finally ended and thankfully no injuries ... well actually not serious ones anyway ! i swear it was the longest game of truth or dare ever .. legit i had gone all day and we were all tired as , i swear if i dont get to a bed soon i may collapse on the floor , but actually i dont think anyone is tired like me i think while looking around the room at 7 really untired people ...why arent they tired???

"ok guys why dont we watch a movie then?" liam asked sitting on the couch ..

the responses we heard were :


"that sounds fun"

"snuggle bunny time" ...WTF?




and then my response i tried saying something but im tooo tired to speak i just lay there trying to say that i just want to sleep but nothing comes out !! nothing ! DAMN my tiredness ... but you know what even more annoying none of them notice i didnt answer they jsut continue with picking a movie so i just decide to layback on the couch and relax and just rest my eyes for a couple of minutes .... but not even seconds later i hear a little bit of chatting ,, im pretty sure it went like this !

"oh, look dels is asleep ".. i think lou said?

"yea she is too how cute does she look" harry said ?

"better take her to bed then niall" liam announced

"hey, how come he gets to do it then" harry asked a bot louder then the rest of the wispers .. awkward.

"first lower your voice and second becuase he is her boyfriend ... duhh fred" alex repied happily know of her wonderful success she just did and know i would be proud of her ... i could tell them im still awake but ehh ... let them think what they wanna think!!!

"oh yea , dont worry just forgot i guess" harry said sounding disapointed? what ? does harry have a crush on me ? nahh he couldnt have that would so never happen is totally wrong on so many level one of then being im dating niall mates dont do that and two being ewww he is like a brother to me ... that would like never happen ......EVER!

and just as i had that thought i felt those normal nice warm irish boys arms pick me up and wrap around my body ... "night guys im kinda tired too, ill see you guys in the morning" he said sounding kinda sleepy ... that me and niall the first ones to fall asleep :)

i heard a good night from evryone except harry who let out a grunt and then a louder one signaling that he had just been elbowed in the gut by liam .... and then a very unwanted mean sounding goodnight came from harrys mouth ... but obviously niall wouldnt notice because even if he did he would make up an excuse like 'he was just tired' or 'he was just having a bad night and probably felt sick or something'


(still delilahs pov.)

i wake up at like tree in the morning in nialls arms and lay there for a while trying to go back to sleep but soon come to relise im not tired so i decide to go on an adventure around the apartment to see if anyone is up ... and to my surprise there are people up ... because i can here harry and louis in the kitchen ..... ohh spying time ;) (cheeky me )


lou: hazza , seriously you cant like her its against the rules

haz: but lou it isnt my fault seriously they are just developing and you know what ..

lou: what H ?

haz: what if she feels the same way

lou:you know what haz i know im immature sometimes but even if she did which i doubt she does because she loves him but even if she does ... it would break his heart , do you know how much he loves her ... he talks about her all the time , i swear its rediculous not even an old married couple talk about each other as much as he talks about her ... for him she couled be the one!

haz: but lou

lou: ok haz you can try to see if she feels the same way but you cant tell anyone about this because if you do then it will ruin ... your friendship with him so dont make a massive deal about it ....

just as the convisation was finishing i fell from my standing position on to the floor with a loud bang .. SHIT ! im caught ...

lou: what was that ?

haz:i dont know lets go look !

at this point my only option was too ....................................

pretend i was sleep walking .... best idea ever , all i have to do is pretend to be asleep !

lou: oh shit its delilah !.... dels what are you doing up and are you ok ....

i didnt answer .... jsut pretend asleep dels ... act asleep

haz: dude i think she is sleep walking !!

lou: ok ill carry her back to bed ... i know you need time to think and i want to sleep so night ...

i then felt louis pick me up and then about to minutes later i was in bed cuddled into niall ..

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ok sorry it has been so long but its holidays now so i will upload soon :D

also im trying to get one direction tickets ! wish me luck . i will need it :D

hehehe hope you like it :D ... give me feedback and maybe some ideas ... oh and this might not be good as i wrote it within 10 minutes =D (cheeky grin!)

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