chapter 5 :D

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hey guys !! im so sorry i havent posted in ages i've had stupid assesments at school and homework and just everything :/ i swear i would of had it up earlier but you know .... and ill be posting more often because holidays is at the end of next week so ill have heaps of time :D .......


Delilah's pov.

alex and louis had an idea and i dont think this is going to be good but i guess we will just have to see ...

"guys, me and lou lou have an idea" alex spoke loudly

"what is it guys" liam asked


oh no, oh no, oh no .... this is so not gunna turn out good, i mean seriously something bad always happens to me because of alex and with her and louis's ideas together i am definately going to get hurt or in trouble. =( kill me now !

"guys , no ... no ....... NO ! im for sure gunna get hurt." i said kinda scared

"oh, come on love it'll be fine" niall said while kissing my cheek

"i can tell you know i will not be fine.. something always happens to me .. last time i played truth or dare with alex .. an old lady bashed me up with her walking stick and i was in hospital for a week !"

by this point alex was laughing as i put the old memory in her head .. while she was laughing i noticed so was everyone else ! those asses .."guys it isnt funny. i was really hurt and broke my arm!" from that comment i recieved more laughing ..

"come on dels . PWEASE!!" lou asked in a cute baby voice with a pout .. and then everybody started to pout and give puppy dog faces

"fine .. lets get this game over with" "but if anything happens to me i blame you !"i said pointing to each one of them individually .

"oh you'll still love me !especially because you still love me after last time so yeaa !" alex spoke confidently .

"yea , whatever" i said while sitting down ...

we sat on the floor in a circle the order was : louis, alex,harry,liam,victoria,zayn,niall,me then back to the start ...

"ill start" lou stated

"ok , niall truth or dare?"


"i dare you too ...... walk down the street with no clothes on say hi to a random and then say bye and give them a hug"

everyone did the whole 'ooohhh' thing and then we all laughed at first i didnt think niall was gunna agree but then he did .... he actually agreed ... OMG! this is gunna be good .. even better if there are paps .. just before niall started out the door i decided to give him some advice..

"just make sure you dont go up to an old lady or even pass one she will legit bash you !! just saying" i said while the others laugh ." trust me they are dangerous and there is nothing to laugh about .. you could go to hospital .. just a warning, good luck" i said while giving him a quick peck

"thanks ill try to be as safe as possible and i remember to stay away from the grannies" the last bit made me chuckle a little ... but after that comment off he went .. into the street to find a stranger ..

"OMG! he just said hi and the girl is like cracking up and know her boyfriends walking up ... oh god he full just hugged her guys ... lol he is full getting chased .ahahahhaha" lou spoke out like he was the only one who could see what was going on !

"dude, we can see it too" i said lightly hitting his arm .

he chuckled and replied with "yeah , well i find it exciting saying whats happening .. douche!"

"whatever!" i replied but just as i was about to say something else niall came running through the door..

"finished" he said while putting his clothes back on .. "yea we know and how did her boyfriend react?"

"not very well he chased me down the stret with a knife while she was laughing about me hugging her while naked" he responded " well of course she was" i replied happily

"Guys, lets get back to truth or dare now !" liam spoke loudly

"ok so niall , your turn" harry said while joining our circle on the floor

"ok victoria , truth or dare?" niall asked cheekily ...

"umm , dare?" she said but more like a question!

cliffhanger !! :")

i will deffs post the next chapter tomorrow guys .. P.R.O.M.I.S.E. hehehhe

and trust me it gets more intresting and something happens ... i mean bad/funny/good :)

i guess ill write to you tomorrow .. :D hehehheeh

let me know what you think guys ;)

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