chapter 8 =3

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sorry i havent posted in a while guys :D been busy chasing around the real life 1D .. i cant believe they are actually in australia !!! its like my dream ....

anyway im not gunna make you leave :D enjoy!

delilahs pov.

i waited for about 2 minutes and they drove up to where i was sat on the side of the road and turnes out i just went in circles i was like 3 streets away .... when i got in the car it was silent .. everyone came but it was awkward i dont know why they came .. but i seriously couldnt hold it in.... i burst out laughing! what?!? you cant blame me its funny i thought i was lost when i was like a couple of streets away ..

at this point everyone was looking at me like i had problems "what ... it .... funny cause ....i thought i was lost when.... really i was like in 2 minute walking distance" i said between laughs but couldnt hold them in any longer when everyone else burst out laughing ....i dont know what it was but just that laughing fit made us all think we had forgiven each other and we just went on like usual ... and acted like nothing happened !!

harry's pov.

im glad all of us can act like me and dels didnt go on a flippin mad run away phase even if mine was more important and to top that im glad none of the guys or girls told her why because when niall found out he was so angry that i was trying to steal his girl but hey i cant help if she is beautiful and im attracted to her seriously and she treats me like im her best friend but everyone told me she thinks of me as her brother so she would never go for me .. thats why they werent talking to her and thats why i tried to do a runner.

but really , it isnt my fault and i know for a fact that they guys and gals only said she wouldnt go for me cause they new she would ditch niall for me !!! right?! but wait i see the way she looks at niall and the way he looks at dels .... but i still might have a chance !!

---------------------------later that week -------------------------------

dels pov.

its been a couple of days since the little runner me and harry tried to pull ... no not together ..we didnt know the other was trying to do a runner till after ... anyway harry had been acting strange and so had everyone actually now that i think about it even niall .. for some reason he didnt want to stay at mine and the girls place instead he went back next door and slept in his bed ...we need to talk and it needs to be soon!!! i also think it could be because of harry..... but i need to talk to harry first andthen niall .. i just want things to be back to the way they were :/

"guys im tired from walking for 5 hours and just want to sleep ... you go .. seriously "

"are you sure because that walk was 3 days ago douche ?" tori asked me and i just replied with a nod

"ok then see ya later alligator" alex yelled while she was skipping away ... wierd child

see they were going on a double date but splitting up half way as zayn wanted to go somewhere different to where lou lou did ...... and liam went to visit a mystery girl ...niall went to visit a friend cause he wanted to and harry was at home alone next door which gave me the perfect opertunity to talk with him..... a couple of minutes passed and i thought they would be gone by now so i was heading next door until there was knock at the door .. i put my stuff down and headed to answer it and when i got there to my surprise ,, it was harry ..

"ahh , just the man i was about to see" i said just loud enough for him to hear

"oh really, yay someone wanted to talk with me or at least come say hi" he siad really hyperly

"oh how rude of me come in" i said as i walked away from the door to the kitchen..

i was expecting him to go straight to the loungeroom but he didnt he came straight to the kitchen .. spined me around so i was facing him and mind you really uncomfortable .. and to think millions of girls would die to be in this position .. NOT ME !

"harry what are you doing?" i asked strenly

"look dels i love you let me do this" he spoke nearing my lips with his

"ewww, harry get off me your like a brother .. im sorry i feel uncomfortable please get of-"but before i could finish he put his lips on mine , and i didnt kiss back .. it was like kissing a brother .. eeewwww it just felt wrong .. i also know im not the strongest person but i attemped to get him off me but it is complicated becuase wellim stuck in the corner of a kitchen in harrys death hold !!!

just as i was trying to kick him alex walked in .. wow is she sneaking and then i relised lou is right behind her !! shit is gunna go down ... im just glad niall aint here !!

"OMG ! PDA " alex yelled thats when harry froze and i had my chance to trow him off me,,, yes go me !!

"dude that was gross , dont ever touch me again"i yelled as i was trying to wipe off my mouth

then lou and alex relised who was kissing me and there eyes went wide and thats when harry sttod up but with guilt written all over his face .. and thats when i went off !

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