Chapter 6.

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The next evening i texted chris.

Chris♥- *sends my address* tell me when youre ready to leave so i can get ready" *sent*. I always had to be up on my game. He'd never catch me looking a hot mess.

Chris♥-itll be about an hour  . Good. an hour. My aunt was also never home, and she didn't have any children. She was 30 and flirty. As she would put it. She always had a new man. Whatever. I figured she wouldn't be home. Its Friday. She was never home at any point of the day on Friday.  My door was unlocked and chris just walked in. " Excuse me ?" I said laughing. "lets pretend i didnt just do that " he laughed. Not noticing what he just did. When  he came to hug me it was different this time. He wrapped both of his arms around my waist, his face buried in my neck. I didn't complain. Without noticing. I was still holding on when he let go " You gonna let go or what?" Chris said with his hands in the air smiling. " I dont want to" I said. Not thinking once again. "What?" He said looking down at me. " You heard me" I just still clasping on to his abdomen giggling. "You can holdon for as long as you want " He said fake yawning looking at his watch, then at me. Then he began tickling me to get me off of him. " Chr-Chrisss stop it " I said between laughs. I was hella ticklish. But so was he.  He kept tickling me... He tickled me all over. and i accidentally let out a moan. I think he heard it because he immediately stopped and just stared at me for a moment. " You like that?" he asked laying next to me with a smirk. " Huh?" I knew what he was talking about. " You just moaned" He burst out laughing " Shuttup it wasnt a moan. More like a stop tickling me. Tf" I lied giggling. He rested his chin on my shoulder peeking over to see who i was texting. " Textin ya man ? " he ask me . "Chris shuttup

Im single " i retorted. " NOO" he said sarcastically holding his chest. "-_-" i pushed him. "dont play me " I said. " Im kidding im kidding. " He got behind me so that i was sitting between his legs. he wrapped his arms around my waist again. I felt his fingers rubbing my tummy. He was making me hot. I had to stop being so nervous. If i liked chris i had to let him know. So i leaned back into him putting my phone down. i could feel him on my butt. I wanted to feel more so i backed up more. His grip grew a little tighter. " I missed my si..." he whispered in my ear. I felt his breath on my neck

These words made the hairs on my neck standup. "i missed you way more" I said in a gentle tone. " A little more than you think" I mumbled. But he heard me " Really ?" one eyebrow raised. " mhmm" i said staring at my phone again. I did this when i got nervous. He took one hand and pushed the phone down. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. He did it twice. Did he feel for me the way i felt for him? i was sweating at this point. i leaned back extending my neck closing my eyes.. Then before i knew it i felt lips on my neck. It made me jump. But it felt so good. i grabbed on him from behind. His breathing sped up and so did the kisses on my neck. His hands tightened on my shirt. i wanted him. " I want you" I moaned out. But he stopped

.. " What are we doing.." He quickly backed up. ".... Uh.. Um. Im sorry i uh. " I got up and ran to the bathroom. I felt embarrased for telling him i wanted him. I was too caught up in the moment. I began to cry loudly. "S-Sier-ra.  i'm sorry. .. Please come out.. and l-lets talk babygirl." I wasn't angry at him. I was angry at myself. I accidentally told my bestfriend i wanted him. who does that? stupid. im so stupid i thought. i began to sob again "Si pleasee.." Chris shook to knob but it was locked. Then i came out. He grabbed me.. " Look, i see we got some things to talk about." he said holding my hand so gentle. "Chris, let me go first." I said trying to fight back tears all over again. "lets sit down."  i took him to my room and i sat on my bed. His gaze over me was rather curious. He was trying to read my body language again. But this time he didn't have an answer.

"After I left .. i ... I fell in love with you. I missed you so much." His eyes widened. "I was going to tell you.. I didn't know how, or when ? and i didn't want you to think that I was saying it because you had money.. i-i.. i didn't want you to hate me." I explained.  " You're not that type of girl.. I know thats why you wouldn't want me." chris sighed. "If you dont want to stay the night anymore i completely understand." Doddling my fingers around. "No , i want to stay" His eyes met mine. "You're so special to me si, But i made a mistake downstairs. It can't happen again. We're just friends.. I don't wanna lose you as my friend." He began rubbing my back. It felt like my heart dropped to my feet. "Yeah." I said trying to smile. I knew i wasn't his type. The model type. Every compliment he'd ever given me made me think they were out of pity. I was so hurt from what he said i grew numb. Chris went back downstairs. I went to the bathroom and stared at my face... So ugly. My body. So uneven and not his type. Maybe if i was thinner he'd like me? Idk. I began to piece myself apart. I washed my face off and went to get a snack. i didn't want Chris here anymore. Sounds bad to say but i didn't. He was on the phone. Probably texting some girl he actually liked. I went to the fridge and pulled out some some fruit. Put it in a bowl and went back upstairs. " Where you goin?" He yelled up the steps. I just wanted to eat my fruit in peace. " You mad at me ?" He said standing in the doorway. He was so perfect. I've never met anybody like chris ever. "No" I lied again putting a grape in my mouth. "Okay good, He said coming over snatching the bowl of fruit from me laughing. Eating almost all of it.  " Chris... give it back i'm not in the mood" i spat. "Aw, ok here " i went reaching. " "Sike. Tell me that im your bestfriend in the whole wide world and that you love me " the bowl of fruit hung over my head. He was too tall for me to snatch it. Did he think this was a game? " Just eat it " i threw my hands up and got under my covers. " ... You are mad at me." He said. He stopped smiling. "Not mad, just dissappointed, its whatever ill get over it".  I said.

Chris POV- i know how hard that must of been for her to tell me. I can tell i crushed her feelings. I just didn't wanna lose her. If we got into a relationship. She'd be jealous all the time and vice versa. I didn't want any complications. i try to show her affection to let her know I care. But she takes it as something else. I guess i'd have to cut that all off. No more babygirls or putting my hands on her perfectly curved body. I'm not going to lie. When i first met her. I wanted her... I wanted her to be mine. But, Since the time passed, my feelings kind of diminished. What happened downstairs was just a flashback of feelings from when we were younger. I just missed her so much i let my emotions take control.  You can't like her chris... You cant i told myself. I wanted her to feel better. So i walked over to her on the bed. "Can i have a hug?" i was already going back on my rule. She lazily sat up and hugged me. "No, Not like that. Like this " I said squeezing her tight. "Chris... If you want us to be friends don't touch me" She spat. She was right. But I just couldn't help myself. "Si..I-" "My name is sierra" She said. " Look, whats your problem?" I yelled a little louder than i intended to. " You're my problem chris." She snapped " What happened downstairs shouldnt of ever happened" She was crying again.. " Sierra , Please stop. Don't you think i feel horrible?" I yelled. I was in her face " Get out of my face christopher" She pushed me.  She knew I also hated being called Christopher." FUCK you .. Im out"  i grabbed my things and darted out the door slamming it shut. i didn't mean what i said... I didn't mean it. I walked back into the house after a few moments of thinking. I went upstairs and sierra was crying. " This is why i didn't tell you im in love with you si.. I mean look at us ?... We never fought like this before." I felt a huge amount of guilt. I went over and just held her.. tomorrow everything will be better.. im going to pretend this didn't happen... i thought.

Sierra POV- When it was time for us to rest .. I couldn't ..chris insisted on sleeping in my bed with me.. I didn't believe there was truth in him saying he wanted us to be friends. It made me sick to my stomach not being able to touch him or him touch me. I got up to go to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror again.. Pulling skin. Looking at my butt..  My belly. I wanted to be skinnier.. I had to be. I thought of everything i ate earlier and i immediately dropped to my knees. My head hanging over the toilet... I put my finger down my throat and i threw it all up. What am i doing?  I began to cry. That wasn't all i ate so i did it again to make sure my system was clean.. One step closer to my goal weight. One step closer to chris...

The following  morning i felt horrible. It was probably because i had no food left in me. I'd drink water... Thats it. i needed to come down on this weight. Chris was leaving today and we hadn't exchanged many words while he was packing. " Back to LA huh?" i said staring at the ground. " Yeah...Maybe next time you can visit me." He said smiling barely. "Yeah. That'll be cool." I walked chris to his car. We didn't hug, we waved eachother off... Next time i saw chris i'd look damn good. He'd want me then. i thought. I turned around and went inside.


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