Chapter 11(redo)

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Sierra's POV - i really didn't mean for my night to end this way... i know now that im going to have to get and keep myself clean. I would. I promised god and i promised chris. I was hooked to an IV machine just to stabilize my body temperature.

"Sam wheres my phone?" I groaned.

She handed it to me. i had 15 Missed calls from chris. uh oh i thought. I called him back. *voicemail* He probably went to sleep on me. I thought. 

"Hell-oo" . - Sam

" WHAT?! He-

.. OMG !" sam Ran out of the room.  I wanted to know what was going on. But i didn't have the energy to really move. I stayed put. I decided to watch some tv. Then ... my heart sank. Chris's face flashed across the news.." tonight. Young r&b sensation . chris brown is in critical condition. His car totalled. Hit by an oiltruck in ongoing traffic. Brown is being rushed to the hospital as we speak. " My eyes welled with tears.  I climbed off the bed. I turned off the machine and this sent a signal to my nurse. She came rushing in.

" Honey what are you doing . You have to lay back down !"

" NO ! IHAVE TO GET TO CHRIS . PLEASE YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" i said pushing her to the floor.

She pushed a button which signalled more doctors to pile in my room. They wrestled me. Finally they strapped me to the bed. I knew i wasnt in the best condition but i had to get to him.

I heard people yelling in the lobby. i saw the gourney scoot past my room.. It was chris. I couldnt move

I began to sob louder than I ever had. God i know i dont talk to you as much as i need to.. But please let my baby be ok. Please i beg you . He doesnt deserve this. if anyone is to die please let it be me. I closed my eyes praying that this was all a dream and that i'd wake up back at chris's place to the smell of his versace cologne. I opened them.. It wasnt a dream.

Samantha's POV.

I walked out into the lobby to see it filled with chris's friends and family. " IS HE OK?!" his sister looked at me with pleading eyes.

" I don't know anymore than you do right now guys.. the doctor said he'll give us information momentarily. Until then all we can do is wait." I felt the sadness lingering throughout the room. I myself shed a tear or two. I had to make sure Sierra was okay. Its been a rough night for ALL of us.

" Hey kiddo.. are you ok?" I kneeled against her bed

" No.. I wont be okay until chris is " She wouldnt even look at me.

" Chris is a fighter.. you know he wont give up easily. " i said laughing. Tears still coming down my face.

"Its all my fault samantha "

I unhooked her from the bed.

"Don't say that.. Its not your fault!" I tried to console her the best way that i could.

" It IS MY FAULT ! if i wasnt so stupid... He wouldnt be out here trying to get to me ! its my fault.. if he dies i wont be able to live with myself!" Her eyes were red and heavy.

I rubbed her back.

Chris's POV- I lay here .. struggling to take tiny breaths of air thinking about my 19 years of life. I heard the doctor tell another doctor i had 2 broken ribs a broken kneecap  and swelling of the brain. This wasnt looking so good for me. I never felt so much pain in my life.. Every second that passed made it harder and harder to breathe... I'm not ready to leave yet.  My fans would be crushed... I let team breezy down. I let si down... I cant leave her hanging I cant leave.. Teambreezy hanging. My family. my friends.. We had so much to discuss. I had so much to help si with..  A tear ran down my cheek. i couldnt do it anymore. Every breath was painful. I wanted the pain  to end.. She'd never forgive me. I know she thought i didn't love her but the truth was I knew i was going to love her from the moment i saw her when i was 16 years old. Our love is a love ill always remember...I took my last breath and left the rest up my god.


Samanthas POV- I was awakened to the sound of running and yelling. The doctors were running down the hall. chris's room I thought. I bolted without giving anything a second thought

"Maam please you cant be in here !" A doctor tried to shove me out of the room.

The flatline Sound kept ringing in my ear. It seemed to get louder each time. ..Truth was. He was gone... there wasnt any way to bring em back.... I dont know how in the hell id break the news to his Fans... Family.. Friends... Sierra... I felt weak. I gave myself a pep talk and broke the news to his family and friends first.. Then i made my way to sierras room

" ... Kiddo" I stay shaking her " uh wake up babydoll".

" Y-yeah? Hey sam" She said sitting up

" Its chris..." I tried to fight back my tears. It wasn't working.

" How is he? I need to see him.. I -"

" Hes gone sierra".. I closed my eyes.

" W-... What?" she leaned forward.

It seemed like she wanted me to be wrong so bad. I wish i was wrong myself.

" No... No.. Nononono Hes not . Youre lying!" she ripped everything off of her and ran into the hallway.

" WHERES HIS ROOM?!!!!" She screamed. " Si-"

"WHERE SAM?" she grabbed me

" 115" i sighed.

Sierra's POV- I was hoping that what sam revealed to me was  a joke. i closed my eyes . took a deep breath and entered the room. .. I saw him.. just laying there . His room... was cold and vacant. "Baby..." I fell to my knees near his bed. I sobbed. " Baby wake up please. " I got up and shook him. " chris please ! Baby wake up. " I sobbed . Putting my head on his chest like i used to. i felt safe laying there. I hoped to feel a hand on my back... His hand..  I got nothing.. He was gone and it was all my fault. I climbed on the bed and held him in my arms. He was still warm. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Maam.. "  " Uh maam. "  I ignored the doctor. I just wanted to hold chris for one last time. "I j-just want to spend one more night with him. Please.. Just let me stay" I  cried. Rocking his lifeless body back and forth.".. yes maam." The doctor closed the door. I formed my hand to fit into his hoping id get a grip back. I covered his face with kisses. Apologizing.. It was all my fault... I held on to chris that night like a little girl holding a teddy bear she'd never want to lose.. My baby was gone.

" ... Babygirl. "  i was laying on some type of lawn. When i opened my eyes all the way. I was on the hill i took chris to back when we were younger.. The hill i prayed on. I was being blinded by the purest whitest light i had ever seen. I looked up. Chris was standing there with the biggest wings and the brightest smile. " Babe..." i stood up so that my eyes met his. " Its ok baby.. Im ok. I dont feel the pain anymore" he touched my cheek.  i tried to touch his face but it was like trying to touch air. My hand glided through his face.  " i have to go... But  I see such a bright future for you baby. dont waste it. And know i love you.. Ive always loved.. You " I Shot up realizing i still had his body in my arms... that dream.. felt so.. real.

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