Chapter 4.

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Chris's POV- That night i tossed and turned in my sleep. I kept waking up and it was hot. I rarely got hot. So maybe i was sick? I dont know... I felt a weight on my chest. Something just didn't feel right. I looked over to see my phone lighting up.. It was Sierra. "Hey bighead" I said. " Chris i need to talk to you outside. I need to see you please" She cried. Something was wrong. " Okay im getting dressed right now" I didnt ask questions. I got up and threw on my baller shorts and red jordan tee shirt. I crept carefully out of the house. In the distance i saw a faint figure of what seemed to be her. When i greeted her she was crying heavily. I immediately threw my arms around her. What's wrong si?" I asked firmly. She never cried. " Ch-ri. Im. im " then she burst out into tears again. Her tears soaked my shirt. " I.. I' m mov-ing chri-" she was crying so hard she nearly choked on every word. Not being able to finish her sentences. I held her closer to me. When she felt pain i felt pain. I knew bestfriend unlike any other. Something cut her deep to the core. Finally, She calmed down. " Breathe si, Breathe" I was holding her face in my hands. " I'm .. Moving chris" She said still sniffling. MOVING?! She couldnt be! Ive gotten so close to her ! she was my bestfriend! " When?" i felt my heart drop. I'd be alone at school now. alone at lunch. I really had expected my bestfriend to be in my life longer than this " in a week.. In a fucking week." She couldn't believe it and neither could I. "I already started packing." " well... I wanna help you pack. Just so that i can spend time with you before you leave" I told her. " Yeah.. Please." It was almost 1am. And i had school in the morning. With my mom at work ... and my pops at home. There was no way i could try and skip school to help her pack. I promised her id help her when i got home though.

Sierras POV. "sorry for ruining your shirt" i said touching it. " Aw this old thing? Its okay " He put his hand on my face. "Goodnight chris" . " Goodnight si". we parted ways.

The next day my mom woke me up at 9am to help pack. We had a lot of stuff to put in the car. and barely any help put anything in the u-haul truck. I didn't get any sleep lastnight. I had a horrible headache and i couldnt eat... " Ill need your room packed by tomorrow baby ok? " My mom said. Mission imfuckingpossible I had so much stuff in my room!. i just nodded. hopefully chris could help me get all of this packed up. When chris came over he studied my house " Yall movin fast af" He said shaking his head. "Yeah i know sad right?" he helped me complete my room by 5. Half the house was done also thanks to him. " Do you even know where you're going?" He asked. " My mom said i would have to skip out on school for a couple.. but she never told me where we were going?" I said. Kind of curious myself. " Well.. you know im only a phone call away, and even though its only been a month.. Youre my bestfriend si " He said knudging my jaw. " You are to chris. Im blessed to have you in my life with your scrawny self" i said imitating how little his arms were. Chris was skinny. Lol.

-week went by-

It was the day of the big move. i was awakened by a beeping sound. it was the u-haul truck. I immediately took a shower and got myself ready. i went downstairs. I saw chris and his mom appear in the doorway. She was holding a cake and chris a blue envelope. " Hi babydoll, Chris told me you were leaving so soon. Ohh " She said putting the cake down giving me a hug. I tried to fight back the tears but they were running down my face faster than a waterfall. " Here's this " Chris said handing me the envelope and wiping my face with his hand. " You dont open that until you get to where you're going" He said. i was moving in less than an hour.. " Can i take you somewhere real quick?" I asked chris. " Yeah. Ma im out " He said. I wanted to take him to the little mountain where i told god all of my problems. Chris seemed to have a lot of problems to. "What is this place?" He looked confused. " I used to come here all the time in middle school. I talk to God here and suddenly, everything feels fine. " I said looking up at the clear blue sky. " Im sharing this with you because in case you ever have another problem with your dad .. You come here and talk to god" I said to chris firmly. "Wow... This is... Special si " He said. Before i could get ahold of my self my tiny fingers fit perfectly into his. Like the last piece of a puzzle being put in to complete the picture. "You're holding my hand.. " He giggled. " Yeah. Shuttup punk don't get used to it" I said.. But the truth is i'd miss chris more than anybody i met that year. I developed feelings for him in such a short amount of time.. But im pretty sure he didn't feel the same.. When we got back it was time for me to say my goodbyes. Shawna. Jermaine. Chris. His mom. His dad. and My old friends priscilla and vince all came to tell me goodbye. My last goodbye was to chris. " You'll always be my bestfriend and i promise to find a way to call you every night.. I want you to have this." I took my favorite gold chain and gave it to chris

It was unisex chain and i hoped that he liked it. " i love it si,. and.. Um.I love ya " He said awkwardly hugging me. I got too excited about what he just said. We were just friends.. I tried to ignore what he said.

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