Chapter 8. Friday

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Chris POV- " Stop playin nigga !" I put my front of mijos face so he'd lose the game. This nigga always wins !." Aw.cmon dude. Lost.again ? Pay up." i handed.mijo the $100 dollars. I heard my doorbell ring.  My dogs ran to the door oand started barking. " Ay mijo take my babies upstairs and lock the door" I said petting my puppies. " Yes queen" Mijo said bowing . " Nigga fuck up !" i said flicking him off. I opened the door... It was Sierra. I hardly recognized her. Something about her was different. Her hair? Nah. hmm" Yooo..." Was all i could say. "Are you going to let me in?" She said smiling. I noticed she caught me staring at all of her. Something was different. I just couldn't put my finger on it.  " Yeah my bad.." I said nonchalantly. " Well.. you don't seem to be so happy to see me ?" She said putting her hand on her face. " No i am ! im sorry. Something just caught me off guard" i said scrolling through my phone.  She came over and poked my side. "whatchu been up to?" I asked. "School.. Work.. Life".. She looked away when she said life as though something was bothering her. "hm. i like your hair " I said. Hoping thats what she changed so that this mystery wouldnt continue. " lol Um thanks? i just left it curly " She said Fluffing her hair. "You want somethin to eat ? " I asked ignoring her. "NO.." she said . she looked mad. " No.. I mean i already ate " She nervously laughed. " Um iight. suit yourself" I pulled out some poptarts and dr pepper.   I went over and Sat down next to her. " You have  a pool ! she said in amazement. " Yeaa. We should go swimmin later " I told her. " omg could we?!!!!" She was excited. " Fasho. Whatever you want to do. you're the guest " I said laughing knudging her. "  "im going to checkout the rest of your house!" She said getting up and running straight to the game room. lil kid at heart still i thought and smiled. When i walked in i found her playing the michael jackson just dance game.  I got on the left. " Bet you cant beat me !" i said stepping on the arrows.  " Well duh

You do this for a living. I dont and MJ is king" She said doing the thriller arms. I burst into laughter. i did the thriller arms towards her face. Out of no where. I wrapped my arms around her like i used to. I was still laughing at her thriller arms. " I guess i beat you " I said with my eyebrows raised.  She smelled amazing like i had remembered..." I guess you did! " she said unclasping herself from my grip. "I wanna see more chris " She said motioning me to walk with her.

Sierra's POV.- He hasn't noticed a damn thing about me. I was sad. I did EVERYTHING to lose this weight. Maybe ill give him more time...  I LOVED HIS house. So artsy and so . chris. There were graffitti murals on the walls. Art pieces from all over the world. I looked out of the huge glass window at the view. It was beautiful.. " Your home is really something chris.." I said looking at the tiles. " its nothin" He said leaning over the rail. " Its everything and more. I would be dreaming to believe i'd live in a house like this" I said. I leaned over and saw the pool. It was a pool that looked like you were going to fall off the edge. The water was chrystal clear.  I put my hand on the glass. " Hello " A voice said Walking up the stairs. " I thought you left nigga" Chris said dappin him up. " Nahh. This her?" He said raisin an eyebrow. " Yeah thats si. Si this my homie mijo." " Nice to meet you" He said shakin my hand."Well the dogs are in the pens. and ima leave you two alone " He said winkin at me. What ? i thought.  " Get outta here " Chris said laughing.

Later that night we went swimming .  I put on my pink two piece. My body looked  good. I put my hair up into a bun and put a headband on.  I added a little eyeliner to top off my evening look.  I stepped out of the room and  stood by the chair near the pool. Chris came out. Shirtless his tan body glowing in the showlights that surrounded the pool. His tattoos gleaming.  I bit my finger. He looked perfect. He walked over to me and stopped. He looked me up and down twice. "So thats what it is " he said walking around me in a circle. " what ?" I asked. " Youre really skinny..." he said taking a closer look. I needed to come off of some weight... But how do i look ?" I said posing. "sick....." He stared at me with a disgusted look on his face." Wh.- what?" i looked down at my stomach. " I can see your ribs... wtf did you do?" he stepped back . His face was scrunched. " You cant see my ribs youre exaggerrating" I said wrapping my towel around me quickly. " No sierra seriously. You dont look ok. talk to me. come here and sit down " He said. " Chris no. Can we just swim?! " I yelled. " Im CONCERNED!" he yelled back " Dont be .."  i threw my towel off and I jumped into the pool. The water was freezing. I tried to swim .. but .. My body wouldn't move So cold i blacked out when i was underwater.

I was unconcious.  Chris noticed i wasnt reaching the surface of the pool. He jumped in, grabbed me and brought me inside.   He called 911. "I THINK SHE HIT HER HEAD WHEN SHE JUMPED IN?! IDK PLEASE JUST SEND SOMEBODY!" he yelled.  Im ok .. im ok i thought. No words escaped my mouth. 

I woke up to a hospital bed. Chris no where to be found. I was hooked to an iv machine and a nurse walked in. " Sweetie.. Do you know where you are? " she sat down " A hospital obviously" i mumbled. "a Hospital" I said clearly the second time for her to hear. " Ok good.. How many fing- " " Look im ok " I cut her off. " Can i go home now? " I began to unhook myself. " sweetiepie you cant do that! Y-you have to stay." " WHY?! if im not hurt then i go home" I told her. "Well,  we ran some tests and you need to stay here for a couple more days. We found some traces of ... a certain substance in your system. We need to make sure this isnt the reason for your unconciousness " " What? No like i said im fine. Im leaving " I tore off my gown. " WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?! " I screamed. I wanna go home !"i called chris. -no answer- . I called again -no answer- . where is he ? . I was already embarrassed sitting here in my pink bathing suit. I walked to the lobby...

He left me here...  I began to cry.  This is my friday. spending the night in a hospital lobby...

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