Temporary Writing Hiatus

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Hey y'all, it's ya boi again.

Y'all have probably noticed that things have been unusually quiet on my end this week.

That is because I have been extremely busy with school work and other life related stuff. It's all a big fuster cluck right now XD.

Anyway, I've decided that for the next few weeks, I will be taking a writing hiatus.

*note: I am not, repeat, NOT leaving  Wattpad!!!!!!!!#%^^$/<^$5

I'm simply using my spare time in a more productive manner.

I'm really sorry guys, but I gotta do what I gotta do to get to where I need to be.

I'm sure y'all understand.

Now, that being said, I will still be available to chat if y'all ever feel the urge to do so ☺.

Like I said, I'm still here, just won't be writing much of anything.

Thanks for understanding!

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