Guten Tag

53 4 9

Obi kaybi, so it appears in my short absence, I was tagged several times.


*Sigh* Such is Wattpad, I suppose.
Let's get this over with.

Let's get this over with

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1. Perhaps, but then again, perhaps not. Tis a real mystery of the universe.

2. Cheeseburger-Freedom-Man.

3. 6' 4"

4. 13

5. Green/Aquamarine depending on the weather.

6. I don't remember.

7. Zorp the surveyor....and space bears.

8. Pogo- There You Are

9. My Cousin.

10. Fallout Shelter



I'm not gonna tag anyone this time.

"B-but Tex, that's against the rules!"

I'm Texan, rules ain't my department.

Now away with you!

Not really.

Seriously though, please be a pal and slow down with the tags.

TexèmonOfficial BlargWhere stories live. Discover now