The Swanson Pyramid of Greatness

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So this morning I was grabbing an Americano at my favorite local coffee shop, when suddenly I ran into a friend I hadn't heard from since the 8th grade.

We chatted for a bit about this and that, then she asked a rather odd question.

"Is there anything that you use as a sort of guide to personal achievement?"

Two thoughts came to mind following this.

Thought numero uno was, "Why on God's green earth would you ask me that of all people?"

I mean, it's not that my life is without some level of success, but I wouldn't say it's anything to warrant a question like that.

Then, my second thought was a metaphorical lightbulb, cause I remembered the greatest guide to personal achievement ever created by man.

The famed Swanson Pyramid of Greatest.

Needless to say we shared a good laugh, but little did she know I was only partially kidding XD

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