Chapter V-Salvet Et Serpens Leo

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The boy laying in his bed was startled by an urgent tapping on his window. He was quite surprised, given it was only the first day of holiday. He closed the space between the bed and the window, opening it for the eagle owl that had arrived. The owl took perch on his desk, allowing him to take the parchment off his leg. The letter was addressed to HJP on the outside, and the handwriting was familiar. Worried something was wrong; he tore into the letter.

As soon as he finished reading the letter, the dark-haired boy threw it onto his bed and flew into action

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As soon as he finished reading the letter, the dark-haired boy threw it onto his bed and flew into action.

"Kreacher!" The house elf popped into the bedroom."You are to apparate to Draco Malfoy's bedroom, bring him straight here to my room and then return to your duties. You are not to communicate these orders or your actions to anybody in any way without my permission. Is that clear?" The elf mumbled a confirmation and a few customary insults. "Now, Kreacher," and with that, the elf disappeared. He almost immediately reappeared with a terrified looking Draco. The blond looked at his friend and proceeded to break down. Harry's heart broke as he heard the sound that escaped the other boy. He saw Draco start to sink towards the floor and caught him, lowering them both gently. Remus appeared in the doorway, raising an eyebrow towards Harry. Harry only shook his head, mouthing "later." Remus left, and Harry held his broken friend and allowed him to cry into his jumper. Neither boy said a word as Draco's tears ran out. When Draco fell asleep, Remus reappeared.

"So? Care to explain why a 15-year-old boy with a mark has suddenly appeared in your bedroom and has cried himself to sleep in your lap?" Remus had a hint of amusement in his voice, and Harry didn't miss it, nor did he match it.

"I think you should read the letter on my bed first." Harry watched Remus pale at the contents of the letter.

"Is this..." Harry nodded. "Merlin, this boy..."

"I received that letter, sent Kreacher to bring him here. When he arrived, he looked terrified and as if he had already cried. He saw me and just lost it. I've never seen him this messed up, Remus, but I'm going to help him." Remus only nodded. He walked across the room to make his exit downstairs.

"I'll talk to Sirius, and then we can discuss this later, the four of us. Do you need me to move him to the bed or another room?" Harry shook his head.

"I'm fine like this, but thank you." Harry heard Remus explaining what happened to his godfather while he thought of a way to fix this.

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