Chapter XIX-"I take that as a yes?"

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This is your smut warning. Also be kind. It's my first time writing smut.

"Where are we going?" No, Draco was not above whining. 

"It's your first full day home from St. Mungo's. I wanted to celebrate. Now stop whining and come on." Harry had a huge grin on his face. The boys apparated to a beautiful and secluded hill with a view of the city lights. Harry had laid out a nice picnic and had hung some enchanted lights above them. It was gorgeous, Draco couldn't help but stare at it. Inside the basket was all his favorite foods. They sat and ate; they enjoyed the view, they talked and laughed. Draco was the happiest he had been in a long time. Just as he began to think it couldn't get any better, he saw Harry pull something out of his pocket.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, these last few years have been...hard. We've been through a lot, but we had each other. Neither of us would have made it through the war without the other. At least, not in one piece. I thought I lost you when I saw you fall. But you pulled through. And you've made me so happy. There is only one way you could make me happier. Draco, please marry me. I don't ever want to lose you." Draco jumped up and kissed Harry. 

Soon, the kiss deepened. With every passing moment, the boys both seemed to grow hungrier for each other. Harry bit Draco's lip, asking permission. Draco playfully bit back, and their tongues swirled, both of them taking in each other. Draco removed Harry's shirt in one swift motion before Draco removed his shirt. Harry decided to take control, and soon he was laying over the blond, pinning his wrists down. Harry formed a line of kisses down Draco's jaw, down the middle of his chest, down his happy trail, his mouth stopping right above his pants line. As he unbuttoned the jeans, Harry could hear Draco's voice hitch.

"This ok?" Harry's voice was thick and low.

"Yes," was all Draco could whisper, his whole body tingling with anticipation.

Draco was now completely naked before his fiance. There was an audible gasp as Harry covered Draco's erection with his mouth. Harry pressed his tongue against the sensitive spot underneath Draco's penis. As Harry began to suck, going deeper each time, Draco couldn't hold back the moans building up.

Before Draco could finish, Harry had stopped, having caused the blond to whimper in disappointment. Harry removed his own pants. He used his fingers to relax and prepare Draco, simultaneously kissing every square inch of skin he could reach, leaving a few hickeys on Draco's back. Using a lubrication spell, Harry very slowly entered Draco.

"Okay?" Harry had lost the ability to form full sentences. All Draco could manage was a nod. Harry pushed further, going deep enough to hit the bundle nerves. Draco let out a noise he had never made before. The feeling was unreal, indescribable. Noting his reaction, Harry made sure he hit the same spot again. Between the feeling of Draco and the other boy's ungodly noises, Harry knew he was going to lose control soon. A few more thrusts and Harry could feel himself orgasm. The feeling of Harry finishing against his prostate put Draco over the edge. He felt his whole body tremor with pleasure before Harry pulled out, cleaning them both up.

"I take that as a yes?" Harry chuckled. 

"Definitely," Draco panted. Both boys dressed again, not wanting someone to come across them naked, and cuddled admiring the stars, until the both fell asleep.

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