Chapter XIV-War Be In The Air Tonight

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Soon, Christmas holidays were over, and it was time to return to Hogwarts. Sirius and Remus joined Draco, Harry, Hermione, and a newly timid Ron. Draco thought the change in demeanor was probably fear of Harry.

"Sorry, mate. I didn't know. I had no right to assume about you." Ron was mumbling, blushing at the fact that everyone was staring at him.

"Umm....ok." Draco was unsure of how he felt about the apology. 

"How about we play 20 questions?" Sirius had quite a worrying grin on his face. He may have grown up (only a bit), but he was still a Marauder at heart.

"Is it an animal?" Remus sighed and indulged his friend.

"Only sometimes."

"Is it old, like you?" Harry grinned evilly as Sirius looked a bit shocked.

"OI! I'm not that old, you goblin of a child!" The compartment filled with laughter. 

"Is it you, Padfoot?" Remus looked unamused.

"YEP." Sirius popped the p and bounced in his seat like a child. They continued this game for a while, before falling into a comfortable silence. Remus and Sirius fell asleep against each other, as did Draco and Harry shortly after.


"OI! Children, wakey wakey!" Sirius began shaking the two boys. "Time to change into your robes." Sirius and Remus left the compartment to use the loo and give the children privacy. Hermione left the compartment to find a more private place to change. Soon, the three boys began to change. Draco and Harry paused when they heard Ron gasp. 

"Harry, where'd all those scars come from?" Ron seemed to have temporarily forgotten his fear of Harry.

"From when I was a kid. Now drop it. It's not a big deal." Harry turned his back to both boys and began to finish changing. Draco made sure his sleeves covered the bandage on his arm, which concealed his Dark Mark. He didn't want anyone to know it existed.

"Are you still sitting with us?" Draco turned to see Ron nervous.

"Yeah. The Slytherins probably hate me even more now than before." Draco seemed quite sad at the fact that he'd never be able to return to his own House. Though there weren't too children of Death Eaters at Hogwarts, there were enough for word to get around that Draco wasn't one of them anymore.

Soon, the party arrived at the castle, and they went forward and started the next part of the school year, none of them knowing what was to come.

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