Chapter VI-New Allies

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Draco woke up to find himself in a sleeping Harry's lap. Every inch of him hurt and his entire body was stiff. He raised his head and saw two men standing in the door. He shot up into a sitting position, wincing in pain as he woke Harry.

"Sorry to wake you, cousin. Sleep well?" Draco could hear the light amusement in the dark haired man's voice

"C'mon, Sirius, don't give him a hard time." The sandy haired man scolded his companion. "We have much to discuss if you two could meet us downstairs please?" Remus retreated, dragging a whining Sirius behind him.

"Why do you have to be so serious?"

"Because this is a serious issue, Padfoot." They continued to bicker the rest of the way downstairs.

"Well, I guess we better head down." Draco turned to see Harry changing into a clean t-shirt. "My godfather is many things, but patient, he isn't." Harry chuckles as he moved to leave. Draco didn't get up. "Coming? Sirius will levitate us down if we take to long."

"I can't stand by myself. It hurts too much." Draco whispered, embarrassed at being helpless. Harry came over and lifted Draco, carrying him down to the couch. Draco felt the couch sag as Harry sat next to him.

"Well, jumping right in, Draco can you please tell us what happened? We've already heard Harry's side." Remus seemed to be taking the lead. Draco sat there and told them everything. He could see everyone's emotions change to anger when he came to the part about being repeatedly cursed. He ended his story with coming to the Black house. Harry jumped in, explaining how he got Draco to his room.

"Thank you." The words felt foreign on Draco's tongue.

"Well, I think we should eat now. I'm starving." Sirius sounded like he was the kid.

"You're always hungry!" Remus and Harry seemed to speak in unison. They all ate and soon retired to their respective rooms. Draco stopped Harry at the top of the stairs.

"Can we just sit in your room and talk?" Draco knew the fear he felt had crept into his voice.

"Sure." Harry flashed Draco a reassuring smile. The two boys sat on the bed and talked about everything they could think of for hours. Eventually, they fell asleep, reverse of each other, toe to head. Both boys slept well, that evening, Draco taking comfort in not being alone.

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