Chapter VIII- La Nuit Est Un Traître

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All Draco could see was that cold, snake-like face. He heard "Crucio!" And could feel his body convulse with pain. His screams were tearing his throat apart.

"Draco! It's me; it's Harry. I've got you; you're safe." Draco snaps to consciousness being grabbed gently. He felt someone wipe his face.

"Sorry I woke you?" Draco's voice was hoarse and quiet.

"Who's there?!" Sirius in lounge pants and no shirt, exposing his numerous tattoos, appeared in the doorway, wand at the ready. Remus showed up right behind him, in a ratty t-shirt and boxers, scanning for threats.

"It was just Draco having a nightmare. I was awake already, so I came in. You two can go to bed." The two men retreated to go back to sleep, Sirius mumbling something about needing his beauty sleep.

"Why were you awake?" Draco hated how his voice croaked.

"You aren't the only one with nightmares, Draco." Harry looked tired.

"Why do you have nightmares?"

"I was mistreated by my family, saw my parents murdered in front of me, and had that same mass murderer repeatedly trying to kill me since I was only a year old. Honestly, it'd be odd if I didn't." Harry chuckled wryly. 

"Thank you for waking me up," Draco looked down shyly, "good night, I guess." Draco assumed Harry would go back to his own bed.

"Move over. I can't sleep, you will probably have trouble sleeping, so I figured I'd hang around." Draco looked at his friend gobsmacked. Harry sighed and moved his friend, so the blond was up against him. Draco could feel Harry playing with his hair as he laid there. Harry continued to talk about Quidditch in a quiet voice, lulling sleep out of the shaky blond. He could have sworn he heard Harry say something about him being beautiful but he wasn't sure. Draco dreamed of an average, warless life where kids like Harry and Draco could have childhoods could be happy, could be themselves. It was a peaceful sleep, assisted by the comforting body heat of the boy laying under his back.

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