Chapter XI- Visiting the Wizard of Oz

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When Draco made it downstairs, the Weasley family had left.

"You ok, cousin?" Draco nodded

"Harry what about you?"

"I'm sorry about Christmas, Moony."

Remus just hugged Harry before Sirius decided they should eat, whining he was hungry.

"Is he always hungry?" Draco looked at Remus.

"As long as I've known him," the werewolf laughed. "So Sirius and I have something to go do, so you two can stay here as long as you remain in the house."

"Sure," Harry responded between bites of lunch.

"Draco, a word." Draco followed Remus to have a private conversation. "I know you feel like hiding right now." It was as if Remus had read Draco's mind, who had planned to sit in his room today, not wanting to cause Harry more stress. "Please don't. What Harry did for you, he's only ever done for Sirius and I. He cares a lot. If you shut yourself off now, you'll only hurt him. And then Sirius might maul you. Please?" Draco nodded.

"I wouldn't try to hurt him. He's treated me better than any of my old 'friends' ever did. I won't push him out." Remus left him standing in the living room as he and Sirius flooed somewhere.

After they had finished eating, the boys settled into the couch. Draco was reading or at least attempting to. Harry kept interrupting him. Finally, he put the book down. The boys had removed their sweaters, getting too warm. They roughhoused and wrestled before relaxing back into the sofa. As the night grew on, they put the sweaters on, not realizing they had swapped. At some point, Harry had his head on Draco's lap as he excitedly discussed which teams should play the next World Cup. Without realizing, both boys fell asleep. And that's how Remus and Sirius found them. Sirius scooped up Harry, and Remus Draco and the two men put them in their respective beds, giving each other a look that said this was anything but an inconvenience.

Several hours later, Draco was returning to his room from the bathroom when he heard Harry thrashing in his bed. Looking in, he realized the other boy was having a nightmare. Draco, upon instinct, crawled into bed beside his friend, pulling him close and hushing him until he relaxed. Draco ran his hands through Harry's hair before sleep overtook him.

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