Shy! E.A Poe x Shy! Reader • Tell me

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"Come on (y/n)! Join the fun!" Rampo Edogawa tried many times to get you to join the group. You didn't want them to feel like you didn't like them, but being in the spot light or in a crowd wasn't necessarily you're style. Ranpo insisted on having a party since he beat an old friend, if you say, in a "competition". You didn't exactly know what, or who he was talking about, but you went along anyways. "I'm fine over here, Ranpo." You said softly, with a small smile. He shrugged his shoulders and finally gave up.

You resumed your book reading, enjoying the chatter of your friends, and the friendly atmosphere. "Uh... hello? Ranpo?" A quiet voice pierced your concentration and brought your gaze upon the wooden door. You seen a messy-headed man peering through the door, nervously looking for Ranpo. You sat your book down, and made your way to the door. "Uhh... hello. How may I help you?" You said to the man. "Oh... hello. I'm Edgar Allen Poe. I'm looking for a Ranpo Edogawa? Is he here?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Yes but... he seems a little busy." I sigh, looking in the direction of Ranpo and he starts to mess with Kunikida. I giggle a little as kunikida loudly complains.

I guide Edgar over to the sofa, where I sit down beside him. "Would you like some tea?" I ask. He nods and places his books down on the coffee table in front of us. I pour him a cup and start to look at his books. "So... how exactly do you know Ranpo?" I ask. Edgar shifts in his seat. "O-oh if y-your uncomfortable telling m-me then-" I stutter. "No, it's f-fine. I have known Ranpo for years. He beat me once at a mystery and I have been trying to defeat him ever since... just yesterday, he defeated me... again." Poe fades off. "O-oh... I'm very sorry. I'm sure you'll beat him one day." I try to cheer him up. He fiddled with his hands till his eyes land on my book. "Y-you read?" He ask. I couldn't help but smile. "of course! It's my favorite!" My face flushes. "I actually write novels!" He says exited. "Really? Do you have any with you?" I ask unsure. He nods and hands me some of his work. I stare in awe as my eyes scan the neat pages, the cursive words filling my Brain. His work is incredible!

"I-it's amazing!" I gasp. His face flushes a deep red and I giggle at the sight. The rest of the day, we sat on the sofa, me reading over his fantastic works, and drinking tea while conversing on other books and authors that we enjoyed. He was so quiet and soft spoken, and it was adorable. I finally found someone with common interest. I knew Edgar was with the Guild, but how could someone so sweet be a part of the Guild? The time started passing, and the more he spoke and told me of his past, the more I started to fall in love. My heart raced with every story, and every small smile he would give me.

"Sorry I have to go so soon... I have to get back home..." he trails off. I was dreading those words. I really enjoy his company. We have so much in common! It would be fair to say that Edgar is an absolute sweetheart. Of course, I could never tell him. "W-well, it was nice to meet you, Edgar." I say, shaking his hand. "You too, (y/n)." He said with a small smile in return. I start to clean the tea cups off the table, and out of the corner of my eye, it's looks as if Edgar had something to say, but hesitated and decided to leave anyway. I wonder what was on his mind?

•Edgar's POV•

'Damn it! How could I make such a fool of myself? First Ranpo, and now (y/n)? How could I hesitate to tell such a beautiful woman how I feel? She's perfect in every way. My heart feels so... light. I have to tell her... soon...'

•4 years later, Yokohama city. (Y/n)'s POV•

'Another busy day at the office.' I thought as I walk down the busy sidewalk toward my home. I clutch my bag closely. All that was in the bag was my precious books that I read at the office. 'That reminds me... I wonder how Edgar is doing?' I think again. It had nearly been 4 years since I had seen or heard from the shy man.

The next day, I make my way to the ADA. Opening the doors, I sense something... off. It was almost too quiet for the Agency. I walk upstairs to the main office room, where most of our desk were. "(Y/n). You're here." Kunikida greets me. "Hello kunikida. Is everything alright?" I asked. "Yes everything is okay. We had an emergency this morning, which required some of us to leave early this morning. It's about the mafia." He shakes his head. "Oh god... is everyone okay?" Kunikida sits at his desk. "Yes, everyone is fine, but due to the dangers of the mission, we had to ask some of the old Guild members to... aid us, per say." Kunikida looks aggravated. I remember when Akutagawa and Atsushi defeated Fitzgerald. Ever since the Guild came along in the first place, the Agency has held a sort of grudge. "But, the mission is almost complete. So don't worry yourself, (y/n)." I nod. "Okay. Is there anything I need to do?" I ask. "I need you to bring me this file from the floor below us." I nod and make my way to the stairs.

•Edgar's POV•

'I can't believe they asked for my help. What good will it do? Working with the enemy? I don't quite understand. But then again, I'm in the office, and not on the field like the rest of them.' I think to myself as I finish up the work Kunikida wanted me to do at the office, while the rest of them were out.

I look up to check the time, when I stop her. (Y/n)! I haven't seen her since I tried to confess to her! Oh well... she probably doesn't even remember me.

•(y/n) POV•

Once I enter the doors of the second floor, I spot a familiar face. It's Edgar! I can't believe it! "Edgar?" I ask walking up to him. "(Y/n)? Is that you?" He asked. "Yes! It's been so long! How are you?" I smile. He starts to crack a smile. "I have been alright." He says softly. My excitement overwhelms me and I jump into his arms for a hug. He stumbles back a bit, but softly returns the hug. "That's good to hear. It's been so long." I smile. "Too long indeed." He says softly.

•Edgar's POV•

'Too long... too long since I last seen you're beautiful face, too long since I have told you how I feel.' I think to myself. Now is the time. If I don't tell her now, she will slip away from me like she did 4 years ago... and I regret every day I didn't try to find you. But now, it's time. "(Y/n)." I say softly. "Yes Edgar?" She says. I blush at her angelic voice, smooth and innocent. "From the first time I had met you, i had been meaning to tell you something. When I met you, I couldn't believe it. I though of it as a dream. But when you cheered me up, shared my same passion, and made me feel like nothing else mattered, I knew you where my angel sent from heaven. I... love you. I love you! I have been meaning to tell you since I left the office that day, but I was too scared. But after losing you for 4 years, I cannot let it happen again! Please, (y/n), be mine! Be the love of my life?" I ask as I held her soft hands in mine. She has tears in her eyes, and the most beautiful smile. "Oh Edgar, of course!" She says as she jumps into my arms. Once we pull back, I gently take her face and bring it closer to mine.

•(y/n) POV•

I felt him being my face closer to his. Our lips gently touch and I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. It was so tender, yet so sweet and passionate. We pull away slowly, and my hands move to his face to move his bangs from his eyes. Right then, I see his beautiful face. His eyes are wide form the kiss, and a blush is evident on his pale face. A smile creeps into his lips as I kiss him again. And this time, I realize, Edgar Allan Poe, made me fall in love all over again. Not with just words, but with his heart.

Hello! It's Rae here! I'm so sorry that this is late to the one who requested it. As you should know, I am horrible with trying to update on time. But good news is that I have one week left of school, so that is a plus! Anyway, hope you enjoy this one. Feel free to request or correct my grammar. Thanks!

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