Chapter7 - ice cream -

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well hello babes :) i cant even explain why i stopped writing, just blame it on the sun ok........


*sprinkles glitter and throws cupcakes in everyones face*


I didn't even noticed that we arrived at math because I was busy talking to my wolf. 'hey you ok val? You didn't talk the whole time"

"oh yea i'm fine thanks for helping me out there by the way"

"oh it was nothing, where were you at the free period though?"

"Hey don't blame it on me, I waited for you but you were to busy making Sophia drool" i said laughing a bit to lighten the mood.

"well thank you" he said sarcastically

"because of that I had to listen to her blabbing about the dozens parties I need to go to, how I needed to meet her friends and how hot I was , not that I mind hearing that last one though" he winked saying that

i laughed and rolled my eyes well maybe Tanner isn't so bad as I think he is..

Valentina's p.o.v. :

While we were talking we took a seat in the back of the classroom, we made some small talk about how he wants to check out the library and he asked if we could go for a cup of coffee or ice cream or something after school. I shrugged and said I didn't quite knew, and that I would see after school. He laughed that cute smile where you can see his dimples and nodded, god he is so nice, I just wished he was my mate, he would treat me right, and wouldn't hook up with sluts..

The teacher walked in and we started our lesson, i wrote almost everything neatly down in my notebook, I saw in the corner of my eye that Tanner was talking to a guy sitting next to him, in the row before us there were girls giggeling and turning around from time to time, at last the bell rang and everybody stood up, a girl from the the group in front of us stood up quickly  and dropped a note on Tanner's desk, she winked and made a call me sign with her hands, then she ran of with her group of friends who were all giggeling.

I was packing in but at the same time I was glancing at the paper Tanner was unfolding, of course there was a number and the girls lipprint on the note, how cliché..

Tanner half smiled and crumbled the paper again and put it in his pocket, I stood up and walked out of the classroom, as I was by the door I waved at Tanner and gave him a small smile before leaving the room , it was finaly lunchtime and I went to the cafeteria to grab me some food. I saw Audrey already leaning against the wall next to the doors , chewing her gum like the badass she was. I waved at her and she stood up straight and waited untill I reached her. " Hey honey" she said with a smile. "Well hi Audrey"

We walked together into the cafeteria and went to the back of the line, when it was our turn I picked up a slice of pizza, a portion fries, and of course a healty amount of brownies. Ok i might  have gone a little overboard with the food , but it's pizza and fries, and Audrey always eats a a good amount of my plate, even though she has her own plate full of food. I paid for my  food and we went outside to sit on the grass to eat.

"so what's up honey buns"  Audrey asked

"Nothing much, Tanner is pretty much following me around and asked me to go for coffee or ice cream after school, but i don't know" i answered

She stopped chewing on fried chicken and looked up to me, "Exwuse mwe" she said with a full mouth, I shook lightly my head and smiled.

She swallowed her chicken and said "Listen chica I would love for you to socialize and stuff but wouldn't Chris be mad if he heard you were out with Tanner?"

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