Chapter 14 -sparkly stars-

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Hi everyone! I wrote a chapter 14 a long time a go but just didnt posted it, i re read t and was not satisfied , so i decided to re-write the whole chap. I was reculant against it but i really dont like the chapter i wrote so im sorry but idk when i will upload this i hope this night but who knows dont hate me please.

Valentina's p.o.v.

Something , well probably someone poked my shoulder which quickly turned into shaking my shoulder.

God Audrey was being annoying. I groaned and rubbed my eyes while trying to sit up in the cool grass.

"Gosh Audrey you didn't see me shaking your brains to milkshake when you were sucking whatever his name was yesterday." With a raspy voice i tried to open my eyes, my back slightly hurting , nothing a good stretching can't fix.

"I don't know who Audrey was making out with yesterday but what the hell are you doing sleeping on the ground valentina." A husky voice asked.

Okay this is not Audrey.

My eyes flew open but then tried to shit again on their own record due to the burning sensation it got. Squinting i looked at non other then Alpha Christopher, standing there with arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

"Why on earth were you sleeping on the ground?"

"Uuh.." While thinking of a good response rather than 'i might have been drunk and i thought the sparkly stars were pretty so i was watching them but i fell asleep.'

"I have no time for this childish games Valentina, it's dangerous to be outside this long alon, in the datk! What if rogues attacked? What if.." He trailed of racking his hand through his hair seeming very stressed all of a sudden, this is a side i have not seen yet of him, he always have seemed like a normal, cocky, 18 year old player.

But now, talking about rogues , about possible attacks on our packhouse. He seemed much older, not to mention more mature. Maybe acting like a fool and player is just all an act, there is alot to figure out about him.

"Uhm yea i'm sorry i just kinda fell asleep i guess." Standing up and stretching my limbs felt heavenly.

"Yea well i can't tolerate this kind of behaviour , i am your Alpha and you will obey." His eyes were like ice , cold but burning at the same time.

He turned around and walked back to the house, back muscles rolling in his tight grey t-shirt and long strong strides like a real Alpha marching , away from me.

"There will be a pack meeting at 11:00 sharp, be there!" He shouted while still marching away.

Baffled i stood there , my now wrinkled skirt swaying like a secret dance with the wind. Something isn't right, taking a deep breath i tasted the slighty cold air . Something is defenitely wrong. Picking up my bag from the ground i searched for my phone to look at the time.

It was 9:34 which roughly gave me one and a half our untill the pack meeting , which was strange , pack meetings weren't held that often , unless it was meant for battle or something really serious, i went twice to a packmeeting in my entire life .

One time because a pack member had died and the other time to announce the death of our luna, Christophers mother. I remember it all so clearly .

Alpha Greg , Chris' father, had shouted for everyone to gather in the big meeting room that was normaly used for Alpha's or elders to gather, so we all knew something terrible has happened.

When the Alpha stood there infront of everyone he spoke those words that made everyone sink into a deep feeling of loss. "My wife .. Your..- Our Luna passed this night." When people started asking how she died he just roared something that it was not our business and he disapeared for days in his office, working.

Those were the only times i have witnessed a pack meeting, so i got this eerie feeling in my gut. Hating the fact that we have to go.


"So what do you think the pack meeting is about Valentina?"

"I honestly don't know Auds, but something's up i litterly can feel it in my gut." She grimaced and twisted her face in a thinking scrunch.

"Well mayb-

She abrubtly stoped talking, her mouth hung open and her eyes glazed over like she wasn't in this world anymore and i thought for a second i had lost her .

I scrambled from my sitting position on the ground but my body froze , mid-air i just suddenly froze i could not move , goosebumps spread all over my body, from my head to my toes. A tingling sensation bursted from my stomach and spread over my body. All though i didn't knew what in the hell was happening i knew the tingling feeling was not a good one.

It made me feel weird and uncomfortable , after what felt like forever i collapsed on the ground hitting my head against the side of the bed, clutching my head i layed there trying to figure out what just happened.

A strong stinging sensation spread through my left cheek.

"VALENTINA COME BACK HELLO ? EARTH TO VALENTINA GODDAMNIT WOMAN!" Audrey was hunched over me shouting in my face , did she just slap me?

"AUDREY! Calm down!"

She took a breath and we just stared at eachother.

"You-.. You felt that too right?" Her voice sounded shaky, scared .

"Yes, yes Audrey i did." Her eyes started to fill with tears and she looked like she could break down any second.

A loud banging noise filled the dead silent air and shocked us both out our little bubble.

"Come on Christopher wants everyone to gather in the big hall it's time for the pack meeting! Get your asses down here!" What sounded like Hunter, Christopher's best friend and beta to be.

"Yeah yea alright what has gotten your panties in a twist mister!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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