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Hayes's POV

I was in Ambra's room, her hospital room, while she was asleep. I was thinking of what I had to say.

I gotta tell her, how hard this is. How much she's ruined everything for me. I wish I'd never met her.

I heard coughing. "Ambra?" I asked, looking up. "Hayes?" She said, holding her head. I shook my head. "Ambra, you remeber why you're here, right?" She paused, before nodding.

"OK, Ambra, I need to talk to you" "go ahead, I guess"

"Ambra, I know you've had a hard life. I know you're angry, I know you have anxiety, and depression, and you're bipolar, and probably a lot more. But, You're ruining your life. Over what? Your dad? I know it was bad but it's over, and you gotta move on"


"I'm not done. You're ruining your life. But, you're also ruining alot of others. You're ruining your moms, Matt's, mine, Nash's, because I'm never speaking to Nash again. Probably alot of others. It's not our fault your dad was like that!"


"Because of you, I'm either ignoring my brother or putting him in the hospital. That's how it's gonna be for awhile. I am never gonna forgive him. Ever. Your brother hasn't bin happy for awhile, because he's worried about you! Matt was just as abused and he's chossing to live a happy life! Why can't you?"


"I am not finished! I loved you, and I still do, and I always will. I'm stuck, and you don't care at all. You're gonna get into real trouble because you get drunk and high everyday and can't control what your doing! Soon, you're gonna stumble into the wrong area and you really can't fight when your that drunk. I'm worried about you, but I can't stop you. You are ruing you, and me, and many other people. I don't care about your issues! I don't care about your anything. You need to get your life together" I said.

I walked out her room before she could say anything else.

There was Matt, waiting for me.

"Hayes- I've bin thinking-" "I can't right now, Matt."

"I think you can't see Ambra anymore. School starts next week! You can meet a new girl! You can't see her anymore, because she's driving you insane"

"Matt, I need to learn to see her without missing her!" "Well, that's clearly not working, Hayes! I'm sorry, but I'm helping you move on! I already told Nash, you aren't gonna be coming around when Ambra's around. It'll be like before you guys met. Sorry, but I'm helping you"

Yall hate me? Yall gonna hate me more soon, lmao.

But don't worry, I won't dare end this book without my OTP together! I swear.

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