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Ambra's POV

"Hayes, come in here!" I yelled.


"I'm going to a Halloween party. But I'm probably gonna get drunk. You're gonna be my ride there and back."

"So pretty much I'm gonna follow you around all night?"

"Yea. You're using Nash's car."


"I think I'm gonna go as a fierce fairy."

"Lemme see the costume."

I held it up.

"Yea, no."  "Excuse me?"

"Don't get mad, but that costume shows way to much.....of your women chest."

I laughed. "So?"

"So you're taken. I want the guys at this party to know that."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "How about the Devil." I held up the costume.

"I'm pretty sure the Devil doesn't wear a belly shirt and booty shorts."

I scoffed. "I know. But it's cute."

"Yea, it's cute if it was just you and I. But in front of-"

"Fine. Last choice. How about an angel?" I said, holding up the last costume.

"If this is supposedly what an angel dresses like then we're all going to hell."


"An angle doesn't have her entire back showing, she doesn't have half of he crotch out, and she doesn't have her boobs out to here." He said, holding out his hands.

"Then what am I gonna wear?"

He smiled. "I know just the thing."

He walked out the room and came back in with a trash bag. He placed it over my head and pulled it so it reached to my knees. "Perfect."

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