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Ambra's POV

"Are you sure he's your brother?" A guard named Molly asked me as I waited for Hayes to arrive. "Positive" I smiled.

"Well, the word on the street is that yall were a thing, but then you slept with his brother." "What street?"

"Honey, I don't wanna be mean. But you're....very popular online. And so is he. People know you cheated on him. And there's videos, he flipped out in school today? Somehow that's your fault, too"

I rolled my eyes. "Nope, I'm a Grier"

"A Grier? Sweetie, you think I don't know you're an Espinosa? You're my daughter's idol." She smiled.

"Really? Then why're you letting me say Hayes is my brother?" "Well, you seem like a good kid. Don't let those stalkers catch a photo of you leaving here, though. I'm letting you go cause this could follow you round forever. For what? Some as stupid as street art? Please."

"Well, thank you" "No problem. Can I get a picture, though? If it gets posted, I'll say we're just friends."

I wasn't wearing a jumpsuit so there would be no signs I was in jail, so a picture couldn't hurt. Especially since her daughter was a fan!

After that, she said "OK, guess I gotta let ya go, your brothers here." "My brother? Who told him I as here?" I almost yelled. "Remember...you called him. Your 'brother' Hayes" She smirked.

"Oh" I laughed, and walked to the front desk, and Hayes was signing me out.

"Hey, big bro" I smiled, since the lady at the front desk looked suspicous, since Hayes didn't look 18, and didn't look shit like me.

"Hey, Ambra. I can't believe you!" Hayes said, trying to act like my brother. "I'm telling Dad"

It wasn't a believeable act.

I just smiled as Hayes tried not to laugh, failing.

Finally it was over. "Yo, where's my bookbag?" I asked the lady at the front desk. "Here" she sighed, handing it to me, suprisingly with my spray cans still in it.

I walked out the building, and saw Hayes stole Nash's car.

"Oh, lil rebel in the making, I see" I smirked, getting in the passengers side.

He shrugged, laughing, getting in the drivers side. "I hate Nash, so"

But he didn't sound angry or sad, he just sounded casual. "No you don't" "Yea I do" "Nooo, you don't"

"Why can't I hate Nash?" He asked, starting the car. "Because, you don't sound like you hate him, you sound like you want to hate him. And I'd feel bad, messing up your guys's relationship"

He laughed. "You kinda did"

His phone rang as he started driving. It was Nash. "Can I answer it?" I asked. He nodded, looking annoyed.

"Ya see, if you hated him, he'd be blocked" I smirked, before answering it.



N- Hayes, where are you?

A- In your car?

N- Hayes? What happened to your voice?

A- Wow you're dumb.

N- Hayes I know you 'hate me' and all, but I'm smarter than you

A- Nash, it's Ambra

N- Oh...wait so he hates me but not you?

A- He doesn't hate you, and he couldn't ever hate me. I'm amazing.

"I do hate him!" Hayes said. "You do not!" I rolled my eyes.

N- He pretends he hates me. Anyway, why'd he steal my car to get you? Did you tell him too?

A- No I did not tell him too! If anything, I'd tell him to take Matt's car. He did it on his own to come pick me up cause I needed help.

N- What'd you do?

A- Oh, are we still friends? I didn't know, cause as soon as Hayes said he hates you, you called me a slut and a whore and a bitch, and that he'd never like me ever again. Getting mixed signals here, buddy. Or did you think I was to drunk to remember? I remember, pal!

N- Shit!

"He said that?" Hayes said. "Mmhmm" I nodded. "OK, gimme the phone" He said. "Sorry, Hayes. You're driving. Can't do that." I smiled, and he rolled his eyes.

N- Well, tell him he's lucky I didn't call the police

A- can't do that

N- why not?

A- Cause then your little brother will just put you in an ambulance, again.

With that, I hung up. "Oh, yea. Never let him live that down" Hayes smiled, as I put his phone in the cup holder. "I won't"

"So street art? I kinda wanna go see this...masterpiece" "You're so weird"

"Ok, where is it? I wanna see it" "You just don't wanna face Nash."

"True" "Because you 'hate him'" "I do!" "No you don't!" "Ambra, I do, now let it go!"

It was silent. "So...are we good again?" I asked. "I don't know. This is why I didn't want to see you again. Cause then we'd act like it never happened. It did, though, and I'm still pissed off!"

"But then why aren't you mad right now?" "Because, Ambra, it's hard to explain. I do want for everything to be good, but I don't wanna act like I'm not upset. I just wanna...go back, I guess. Before this happened"

I didn't say anything, until I did. I sighed. "Me, too"

Then, I said "Backstone Alley"
"What?" "You wanted to see my streetart? Backstone Alley"

He pulled up, after some small talk about how I know I ruined things. We walked through the alley til we came to mine.

I kinda turned red, since, if you don't remember, mine said "I miss him" with a crying girl.

He stared at it with his flashlight a few minutes. Then he looked at me and said "Well, I didn't know Ambra Espinosa could do art"

I laughed. "I can"

He nodded, and hugged me. He pulled out his phone and turned on the flash, taking a photo. He posted it on snapchat with the caption "Still love her"

I smiled and screenshotted it.

It was a good pic. He had his arm around my neck with my laughing into his neck, with a wide smile. A real smile. And the flash made us both look good at night, and we both looked really happy.

I reposted my screenshot of it on my snapchat with the caption "Missed him"

He screenshotted it and smiled at me.

"We aren't back together, ya know" He said.

"I know. I don't expect you to expect you to forget I did that! It's enough that we're good again" "Maybe" "Oh, I know, I know" I rolled my eyes.

Could this be the beginning of rebuilding their ship?

Or is Hayes still really cautious?

Should he rlly forgive her or is it to early to forgive and forget?



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