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Hayes's POV

After five minutes Matt finally collected himself and got up.

"That hurt like a bitch" he groaned. "I'm gonna go" I said slowly, trying to escape.

"No the fuck you aren't" Matt yelled, and he looked pissed.

"I gotta go, um...do homework" I lied. "It's summer break" "I have homework for the summer" "no you don't" "yup. I do. Gotta go." I said awkwardly.

Matt stood in front of the door. "So you knew about her getting a tattoo and another piercing. First you didn't tell me about the nose piercing now the tongue piercing!"

" well 1 you sound like a parent and 2 its just because I-" "don't try and say its because you don't wanna be on her bad side like you said last time. You're her best friend"

"I am?" "You know you are. And you told her it looks great" "because it does"

"That doesn't matter!" He yelled.

"Not to you but it matters to her!" I yelled.

"I think we should go" Aaron whispered, as all the guys were trying to sneak out the room.

I ignored them.

"Listen, I know you guys are really close all a sudden. You gotta tell me. Who gave her those?" Matt asked.

"Gave her what?"

"Those things"

"The hi-"

"Yup those, who was it?"

"Um...she wouldn't want you to know"

"I won't tell her you told me"

"Still, she'll know it was me"


"I just can't tell you!" I yelled.

"Why?" He yelled.

"Here, maybe I can help" J walked back in the room, smirking.

"JJ she'll kill you"

"But she'll kill you first" he pointed out.

"She'll come at you first"

"I know, but you'll be her first suspect" he stated.

"That's true...why are you gonna tell him though? For what reason?"

"I have my reasons" he shrugged.

"JUST TELL ME WHO!" Matt yelled.

"OK. So.. It was H-"

"What do you think you're doing JJ?" She yelled from behind him.

She walked besides him and raised an eyebrow while looking at him, since they were the same size.

"Oh....um....it was Hayes!" JJ yelled and darted out the front door, Ambra chasing him, only a few inches behind him.

I looked up at Matt and smiled nervously.

"He was lying?" I said, more of a question.

"Hayes!" Matt yelled and I ran right out the door.

Dayum! I'm sleep. Dammit JJ! Why would he do that? Why do yall think?

Crazy ~ H.G.Where stories live. Discover now