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Ambra's POV

I enjoyed it for a second, and then I felt someone shove me back. It was Hayes.

Let me tell you, he looked, pissed. He looked like he wanted to literally take a knife out on us.

"What the fuck?" He yelled, and that got everyone attention.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Ambra I didn't know you were gonna do that!" Taylor said.

"You didn't like it?" I raised an eyebrow. "Well...." "exactly."

Hayes shoved Taylor. "Dude, what the hell!" Hayes yelled.

Taylor shoved Hayes. "It's not my fault, she kissed me."

Hayes shoved Taylor again. "But you've bin flirting with her all day!"

Taylor shoved Hayes again. "Because she asked me to, to piss you off!"

Hayes punched Taylor, Taylor shoved Hayes and punched him, Taylor threw a few more punches, Hayes wasn't done yet though because he stood back up and tackled Taylor.

And then it got hype for there.

I looked at Amanda.

"Look what you did, slut." I snapped, as the guys tried to break up Hayes and Taylor's fight.

"You started this!" Amanda yelled.

"You were flirting with my boyfriend!" "Because he asked me to since you've bin flirting with other guys!"

I punched her. "You don't know shit."

"You fucking bitch!" She screamed, grabbing my hair and punching me.

Oh this hoe about to die.

I shoved her as hard as I could, making her fall, and from there, the bitch got a broken nose, a black eye, a twisted ankle, and a broken arm.


5+ comments

Kinda feel bad for Taylor and Amanda tho😅

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