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Hayes's POV


She gasped and looked up.

She stood up real quick. "Get out"


"You need to get out"

"What's going on? What're you looking for?"


"I'm gonna tell Matt"


"Oh yea. He's gonna go all big brother on you" I smirked.

She shoved me.

"You better fucking not"

"Then you better tell me what's goin on"

She looked down the hallway and up the hallway before pulling me into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it.

"Ok you can't tell anyone"

"I won't"



"Swear on your life"

"Ok. Damn. I swear on my life."

"Ok. Good. Um....remember the test I took?"


"I lied"


"It was positive"

"Um....why didn't you tell me?"

"It's fucking embarrassing, and I wanted to deal with it on my own. And-and get rid of the problem"

"Woah woah woah....you mean like an abortion?"

"Yea. I wasn't gonna tell anyone"

"No, don't do that!"

"This is why I wasn't gonna tell anyone. Even I, my whole life, thought abortion was murder. But until you're in te place of a teenager whose carrying a growing baby and just found out, and the child's father is a douchebag, you won't understand"

"I know I'm never gonna understand....but please don't do that. I can't tell you what to do. But that's a...horrible idea"

"Then what's the right idea? Being a teenage mom? Having to struggle my whole life? Adoption? Having to give birth to a baby I'm giving away and have to see the child I'm never gonna know again?"

"You could see him or her as he or she grew up"

"That'll only make it harder"

"Ok, but please don't do abortion"

She sighed.

"I don't know where the test is"


"I left it in the trash. I came back for it. It's not here. It's only bin an hour. Someone in this house, one of the guys, has it. And they know I'm pregnant. And they haven't come forward yet"

"...why wouldn't they of asked you about it?"

"I don't know. A-and it's not like I can ask every one of the guys like 'hey do you have my pregnancy test?' So they all know too?"

"Oh shit. What're we gonna do?"

"I don't know"

She looked so confused, and upset.

I hugged her.

"It'll be fine"

"No it won't"

"Yea it will. We'll figure it out"


Now y'all know.

What y'all think she should do?

Who y'all think has her test?

Should she of told Hayes?

Should Hayes tell anyone else?

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