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'We finally have enough money to go to that fancy ass restaurant that opened up at the mall I can finally taste myself a canoli!'

The older of the two was bursting with excitemet while the other not so much judgmental people and crowded places aren't really his favorite things in the world.

'Jc what happens if they don't let us in? We don't exactly look rich if anything they probably think we like weed as much as we love skinny jeans.'

Jc laughed at his friend who always seems to be worried about every little detail.

Jc of course had thought of everything so when he ran into his closet and pulled out two simple black and white suits Brent couldn't help but smile of course Jc thought about every thing.

'Why not not dress up for the biggest moment of my life I get a fuking canolli!'

Brent just rolled his eyes at the stupidity of his best friend and made his way to Jc's bathroom to change.

As soon as Brent went into the bathroom Jc decided to just change in his rom so he started to change there and as he was going to start buttoning up his black dress shirt Brent walked in.

Brent saw a shirtless body and averted his eyes to his lower body.

Jc was lean and had a faint trace of abs and one of those v lines that showed off his hip bones perfectly.

Brent would never admit it but he was secretly jealous of Jc's figure.

He did a few workouts here and there but even when Brent joined in he noticed that he still had his flat stomach that made him look weak.

Brent admired Jc's body more only to have Jc snap his fingers in his face and Brent immediately blush of the awkwardness of the whole situation.

He didn't mean for it to be weird he just thought Jc had a nice body and he wanted to admire it.

Okay yeah to Jc it would have probably sounded weird....

Jc gave him a perpetual look after just catching his best friend staring at him causing Brent to freeze.

'Why do you always do this? You always stare at me I know I'm hot asf but like damn.'

Brent didn't think it was that weird in his mind he thought that it was normal he grew up with him he grew to admire Jc as a brother type of way. (Or so he thought dun dun dun (Josh Dun lol)

"I admire you your I don't give a fudge attitude and how you manage to stay in shape and how no matter how hard a try I can't."

Jc looked at Brent and gave him the same look he always gives him when he thinks like that and went over to Brent grabbing hold of his best friends shoulders. (Still shirtless lol)

' Bro you are my goals or whatever the fuck girls say nowadays like c'mon you don't have to worry about getting a job your mom would probably pay for anything you, you don't have to work out because you just already are skinny and also your best friends with me and let's be honest I'm pretty great'

Brent rolled his eyes,'I'm so done with you and seriously next time you go to the gym take me and about my mom that's probably 100% true'

We both laugh and then Jc lets go of Brent to put a shirt on after he was finished he turned to Brent and told him,

' We all know you'd probably run out of there so you can watch The Dark Knight for the 50th time'

Brent just laughed nodding his head at the very true statement.

'Do you want to go no I'm ready from some good ass Canolis.'

Brent runs out the door and down the steps to get Jc's skateboard with Jc running after him.

'Hey stop!! You always take my skateboard whyy!!! Your skateboard is terrible! The wheels don't even turn properly!!!! '

Brent just laughed as he made it down the steps safely and went to his friends front door and took his skateboard.

Jc just puts as he took Brent's skateboard and they both started on their journey.


Hi I'm Yariana you can call me Jay if you want lol uhm well I'm terrible at updating,I misspell almost everything and my stories aren't that great but anyways hi.

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