Chapter 3: Not good

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Sorry that I wasn't updating at this story for that long. Thanks for the reads, votes and comments and enjoy reading.

Tails and Knuckles didn't get an answer of the two hedgehogs, which were lying on the floor still groaning in pain. "Come on guys say something ... Tails what's happening?" Knuckles asked as he looked worried at the two hedgehogs. "I don't know ... maybe that comes from that laser they got shoot with." Tails said as he tried to think of something how he could help them.

Suddenly both Sonic and Amy started  glowing. Tails and Knuckles had to cover their eyes cause of the bright light. They both blinked after the light was gone and they looked shocked at what they saw. There in the kitchen two wolves were lying unconscious on the ground. "Am I seeing things, what happened to them?" Knuckles asked as he saw the pink and blue wolves.

"I don't know ... maybe that's a side effect of the laser or something." Tails said as he walked up to Sonic to check if he's okay. "Looks like he's okay." Tails said as he stood up and walked towards Amy. "Amy's fine too." Tails said after he checked on her too.

"So what now? There are two unconscious wolves lying in your kitchen." Knuckles said and pointed at Sonic and Amy. "Knuckles that's Sonic and Amy we're talking about, we need to take care of them." Tails said and looked serious at Knuckles. "Fine- ... hey look Sonic's moving." Knuckles said and pointed at Sonic.

Sonic opened his eyes and rolled on his belly. He shook his head as he looked confused around. "What's he doing Tails?" Knuckles asked as he saw Sonic's strange behavior. "Looks like he's confused." Tails said as he saw Sonics expression.

Sonic stood up and looked confused at Tails and Knuckles as he heard them  talking. He then walked backwards as Tails started going towards him. As Knuckles followed Tails Sonic bent his now bigger ears back and growled at them. "Whoa Sonic relax, it's just us." Knuckles said as he heard the growl. "Knuckles stop walking I think he is not recognizing us." Tails said as he stopped walking.

Sonic wasn't trusting them and kept walking backwards till he suddenly stumbled over something ... or someone. He looked away from the fox and echidna to see what he stumbled over. He then saw Amy lying on the ground. Sonic then slowly moved his head towards Amy with a curious look on his face.

"Tails why is he acting like a dog and what's he doing?" Knuckles asked confused as he saw Sonic sniffing Amy's face. "I don't know everything Knuckles and I'm more worried about Amy. Why isn't she awake by now?" Tails said worried and wanted to go towards Amy to check on her again. But he stopped as Sonic stood protective above Amy and growled at him.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt her, I want to help her." Tails said as he tried to get near Amy again. Sonic growled at Tails but he ignored Sonic even after the growling got louder. As Tails got even nearer to Amy Sonic jumped towards Tails. "Tails look out!" Knuckles yelled and as he pushed Tails out of the way. Sonic landed on his feet and turned around ready to go after Tails again. "RUN!" Knuckles shouted as he took Tails hand and ran out of the kitchen.

Sonic kept following them till they ran up the stairs. He growled at the stairs before he walked back into the kitchen. "What got into him? You just wanted to check on Amy." Knuckles said as he saw Sonic going away from the stairs. "I really don't know. Come on we need to keep an eye on him and I still need to know if Amy's okay." Tails said and both made their way down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

There Sonic was sitting near Amy waiting for her to wake up. Tails and Knuckles stood in the doorway and watched Sonic. Suddenly there was  whimpering coming from Amy and Sonic jumped up on his feed and looked curious at her. Amy then stopped whimpering and opened her eyes.

She jumped back with a scared look on her face as the first thing she saw was Sonic. "Is she scared of Sonic?" Knuckles asked whispering. "I don't know but it could be possible." Tails said as he kept watching the two.

Sonic slowly walked towards Amy with his head down a bit and his ears down as well, showing her that he's not going to hurt her. Amy relaxed and made a few steps towards Sonic who also walked up to her. As they were face to face they started sniffing each other faces. After that Sonic was licking Amy's cheek but he stopped after he heard a sound coming from the doorway.

Knuckles started laughing as he saw Sonic licking Amy's face. "Knuckles be quiet." Tails said nervous as he saw Sonic glaring at them. "But that was like he kissed her ... that's hilarious." Knuckles said and started laughing again. "KNUCKLES!" Tails yelled but put his hand to his mouth as he heard growling.

Tails looked towards the blue wolf as  well as Knuckles, who stopped laughing. Sonic stood protective in front of Amy who looked a bit scared at the fox and echidna. "Tails I think we should run again." Knuckles said and they both started running towards the stairs with an angry Sonic behind them.

Meanwhile outside of Tails house there was a small robot flying in front of the kitchen window. This robot belongs to Eggman and it's a spy bot. "Looks like my new invention didn't kill them ..." Eggman said angry that he didn't get ride of his arch nemesis. "But why did your laser turn them into wolves sir?" Orbot asked who was next to Eggman and looked at the big screen in front of them.

"Well I don't know ... I didn't even know what that laser could do." Eggman said and started thinking. "Well looks like you lost again." Cubot said who also sat beside Eggman. "Shut up you idiot and besides I haven't lost yet." Eggman said grinning evilly. "What do you mean?" Orbot asked curious. "Did you see how aggressive Sonic was? If I can get him I can train him to be on my side and then he will do whatever I want and can get ride of anyone who tries to stop me." Eggman said and started laughing.

Alright I hope you like it. And I'm so sorry for the slow updates.

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