Chapter 6: Out of the house

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Hi there, sorry for not writing much, but I had to learn for a really important exam. Anyway, since I'm sick of learning right now, I thought of writing another chapter.

Sonic looked surprised up as he noticed that he got pushed onto the floor. He growled and looked up at the someone who pushed him down. He looked even more surprised as he saw that Amy was that someone. Sonic started growling and Amy growled back, felling kind of protective over Tails and a tiny little bit of Knuckles too. The blue wolf tried pushing Amy off but she wasn't thinking of letting Sonic go, cause she knew he would attack the fox and echidna again.

"Tails, w-what's happening? Why is Amy protecting us?" Knuckles asked, still a bit shocked of Amys sudden defense. "Maybe she somehow still knows us, somewhere deep in her mind." Tails said and started thinking. "If that's true why doesn't Sonic remember us?" Knuckles asked. "Maybe cause Amy wasn't fully hit by that laser beam like Sonic was." Tails said. 

"Whatever, let's get back to your workshop so you can work on that blood thingy." Knuckles said while Sonic still was trying to get Amy off, without hurting her, but with no luck. "Yea, let's go." Tails said and both ran off to the garage door.

As Amy saw that Knuckles and Tails were gone she got off Sonic and let him stand back up. As Sonic got up he looked a bit mad at Amy before he walked away from her. Amy was about to go after him, but she changed her mind and just looked after him. The pink wolf then walked into the direction Tails and Knuckles went off. But she has to stop at the closed door, which leads to the garage and Tails workshop. 

She scratched on the door, in hope that someone would open the door for her. But instead of hearing the door opening, she heard a explosion like sound. Frightened of the sound Amy ran back to the living room, where Sonic was.


"KNUCKLES! I just told you to not touch that!"Tails yelled as the smoke faded away. "Sorry." Knuckles said with a piece of metal in his hand. "Now get away from my inventions before you destroy anything else and be quiet." Tails said and turned back to his blood tests. "But I'm bored." Knuckles whined. "If you are so bored you can go back in the house. I'm sure Sonic would be happy to play with you." Tails said smirking. 

"No way I'm going back in there. He would be the only one who would have fun at using me as chewing toy." Knuckles said and crossed his arms. "I wouldn't mind that at all." Tails mumbled annoyed. "What did you say?" Knuckles asked and uncrossed his arms. "Ohh nothing, now be quiet I'm almost done." Tails said, trying to concentrate on his work. 

After ten minutes Tails was finished "And done.". "Finally! Now, what have you found out." Knuckles asked impatient. Tails looked through the data on the screen of his Computer trying to find anything. "Well I think I know what made them turn into ... well ... wolves." Tails said and turned to Knuckles. "That means?" Knuckles asked, confused. "That means I just have to use the opposite of the stuff which was in the laser." Tails said. 

"Could you be a bit more specific?" Knuckles asked confused. "I don't know how to explain this so you could understand it." Tails said. "Hey, are you saying I'm stupid?" Knuckles said and got his fist up. "No, no, I'm just saying that this is really complicated ... even for me." Tails said as he put the fist away from his face. 

"Well then, any idea how to turn them back?" Knuckles asked after he calmed down. "I might have an idea but I'm not sure if it would work." Tails said not sure. "Then do it my friend." Knuckles said smiling. "On it." Tails said and ran off to a pile of stuff. 

"Alright I think I got everything." Tails said after he brought all the stuff he thought he need. "Okay, while you do that, I'll take a nap. All that running from Sonic made me tired." Knuckles said and Tails rolled his eyes. "Fine by me. As long as you don't touch anything in here." Tails said and turned his attention to the his workbench. 


After Amy heard the explosion, she got frightened and ran in the living room, where Sonic rested on the couch. Amy jumped up on the couch and buried her head underneath Sonics. Sonic looked confused at her and turned his look to the door, thinking that maybe that red guy was after her. But as he couldn't see anything at the doorway he turned his attention back to Amy looking puzzled at her. 

As Sonic moved his head up Amy tried to somehow hid underneath him, still frightened from the explosion sound. Sonic got really confused by Amy's behavior and he felt uncomfortable as Amy was almost completely underneath him. Sonic jumped down from the couch and Amy jumped right after him. But this time she just stood really close next to him. 

Sonic didn't mind her next to him, but this was still to close for him. So he though of a way to calm her down from whatever caused her to be that scared. Sonic started licking her cheek but stopped as Amy's crumbling stomach interrupted him. Amy wasn't thinking about the loud sound, as she got surprised by Sonic licking her cheek all of a sudden and then her stomach growling. 

Sonic too was hungry so he decided to go and look for something to eat for them. Both wolves made their way into the kitchen, but the only thing they found was cans which they couldn't open. Still hungry Sonic and Amy walked around the whole house, trying to find something eatable.

 As they passed the front door, Sonic smelled something which smelled delicious and he turned to the door. Surprisingly the door was opened and Sonic pushed the door more open with his snout so he could have a better smell of that delicious smell.

Amy watched Sonic going out of the house, but she wasn't sure if she should follow him or not. But as the delicious smell of something caught her nose she couldn't resist and followed Sonic outside, sticking close to him. Sonic had his nose in the air trying to track the good smelling thing down. 

He then saw a plate with chilidogs not far from him on a plate beside a tree and he turned to Amy. As Sonic, Amy also licked her lips as she saw the pile of food and both wolves ran up to the trail, not knowing that someone watched them closely.

Alright that's all, hope you like it.

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