Chapter 5: Blood samples

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Sorry for the really late update, I was busy writing other stories and school, anyway have fun reading.

"Are you done eating yet Knuckles, what if Sonic gets in here, I don't want to end as dog food ... or wolf food in our case." Tails said as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen looking from right to left. "Relax Tails we haven't seen him till now, I'm sure we will notice if Sonic would get here." Knuckles said as he finished eating his fourth sandwich. "Sorry that I don't want to be eaten by my best friend." Tails said as he looked annoyed back at Knuckles.

"Alright, I'm done." Knuckles said as he stood up from the chair he was sitting on. "Finally, now lets look for Sonic and Amy." Tails said as he ran out of the kitchen. "Hey wait a sec, I thought you are scared of Sonic eating you, now why do you want to look for him?" Knuckles asked as he catched up with Tails. "Well first, now that you are with me I know that he would eat you instead of me and second I have to make sure that he and Amy are okay." Tails said as they entered the living room. 

"Ha, he wouldn't even get to eat me, I'm way to strong for him." Knuckles said. "And why did you run from him last evening, if you are sooo strong?" Tails asked smirking. "That was something completely else, I was just surprised that's all." Knuckles said and suddenly Tails stopped walking. "Knuckles be quiet I found both of them." Tails said and pointed towards the couch. There on the couch both wolves were still sleeping in the same position they fall asleep last night.

"Alright what now you genius?" Knuckles whispered as he saw that both wolves were still asleep. "We need to think of something how we can turn them back to normal." Tails said and started thinking while Knuckles looked confused at him. "I think I got it." Tails said snipped his fingers, which was a bad idea since the noise caused Sonic to wake up. "Hehe, whoops." Tails said as Sonic stood growling on the couch looking at the fox and echidna. "We better run again." Knuckles said and took Tails hand to drag him with him. 

Tails and Knuckles ran towards the door which leads to Tails' workshop and they could close the door just in time before Sonic could get them. "Phew, that was close." Knuckles said after they heard Sonic ran against the door. "That was more than close." Tails said breathless. "So what was your plan, you said you had an idea?" Knuckles asked as he catched his breath again. "Oh yeah right, I need some blood samples, maybe I can find out how to turn them back." Tails said and Knuckles nodded. 

"Okay and how are we going to get the blood samples?" Knuckles asked with crossed arms. "Well I'm not so sure yet. Getting Amy's blood isn't that difficult but with Sonic around, it will be impossible." Tails said and started thinking. He then looked at Knuckles with a smirking face. "Tails don't look at me like that, I know what you're thinking." Knuckles said with a bit of panic in his voice. "Didn't you say earlier you're not scared off Sonic." Tails said still smirking. "I am not scared of him, I just don't want to be the distraction." Knuckles said and crossed his arms.

"Come on Knuckles, you have to do that." Tails said. "Why can't you be the bait?" Knuckles asked still not thinking of being the bait. "Cause I don't trust you at taking the blood samples, now get ready you have to play bait in a few minutes." Tails said and he looked around his workshop searching for the stuff he needs to take the blood samples. "Alright I'm ready, let's go." Tails said as he got everything he needed.

Knuckles nodded, not liking the plan a bit but he couldn't do anything about it. He opened the door ready to distract Sonic, but to his surprise Sonic sat in front of the door, ready to attack anything that would come out of the door. "Bad idea, we can forget about going out here." Knuckles said after he slammed the door shut as he saw Sonic. "Alright let's go through the front door, follow me." Tails said as went out off the workshop. "Hey wait for me." Knuckles said and followed Tails. 

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