Chapter 7: Where is Sonic

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Hi guys, I'm finally done with my final exams and school and now I finally have time to write again. And I thought the first story I should update, is this one (mainly because I had more ideas for this story but whatever). Anyway I'm really sorry to let all of you wait this long but now I've got about two month where I'll write a lot and now enjoy reading.

Sonic wasn't running as fast as usual, so Amy could keep up with him. Amy was right next to Sonic and where almost near the plate, which was next to the tree as both, Sonic and Amy, got slower. Amy and Sonic stopped as they noticed another scent besides, which didn't belong to the chilidogs on the plate. They looked skeptical around cause they both knew that this new scent meant trouble. 

Sonic looked towards Amy, who looked nervous around, and signaled her to stand back while he walked slowly towards the chilidogs. Amy looked worried after him but was still on high alert. Sonic was now right next to the chilidogs and was about to grab a few with his mouth as suddenly he and the plate were pulled upwards with a net. 

Amy now really worried, ran up to Sonic, who was trapped in the net and tried to get somehow out of it. As Sonic saw Amy coming his was he started growling causing Amy to stop right in front of the net. Amy looked up with a worried look on her face and started whimpering. Sonic tried to get somehow nearer towards Amy with his snout same as Amy, as suddenly a big, fat, laughing man walked towards them. "Well hello there you blue prat, seems like you fall for my trap and I finally got you." Eggman said and looked towards the blue wolf in the net. 

As Eggman wanted to get nearer towards Sonic, Amy jumped growling in front of him. "Move out of my way or you will regret it." Eggman said not happy about Amy standing in his way. Amy was about to jump at Eggman as he started moving but Sonic barked at her so her attention is on him. Eggman looked surprised at Sonic, since he actually thought Amy would attack him.

Sonic looked worried at Amy and signaled her to leave this instant, but Amy looked shocked at him and jumped up so her front paws are touching the net, Sonic was in. Amy tried to somehow get near Sonic, but she couldn't get trough the net as suddenly Eggman came towards them with a thick stick in his hands. Sonic saw the stick and he moved to the side so Amy would get back on her feet and Sonic started growling at her. 

Amy looked confused at Sonic, not getting why he's behaving so weird all of a sudden as she suddenly saw Eggman coming her way with the stick in hands, ready to hit her with it. Sonic started barking and growling as Amy jumped out of the way, while Eggman tried to hit her. "Get away from here, you pink trouble maker. You can't rescue your little friend, he will be mine." Eggman said as he tried to hit her again.

Sonic had no other chance than to bark and growl since he couldn't get out of the net. Amy looked scared at Sonic before she ran away after Sonic looked worried at her. "That's right, run and never get onto my nerves again." Eggman said as he saw Amy running away. Happy that the pink one is gone Eggman turned back to look at Sonic, who looked after Amy. 

"Now you'll become my minion and you better obey, or you will regret it." Eggman said as a robot and the Eggmobile were all of a sudden next to him. Sonic now was dragged away by the robot, but he still kept looking towards the direction Amy ran of, hoping that she will be okay. 


During the time Amy and Sonic got out of the house ...

"Are you done yet, I'm bored." the red Echidna said as he laid bored on some boxes. "If you wouldn't ask me that every three minutes, I would be done already." the annoyed fox said. 

"So how long are you going to work on that thing before you are done?" Knuckles asked and sat up. "I don't know Knuckles but the less noise you make, the sooner I will be done." Tails said, trying to concentrate on his work.

Half an hour later, Tails was finally done and he jumped out of his seat. Knuckles fell off the box he was laying on as Tails suddenly jumped up. "What's wrong Tails?" Knuckles asked as he looked over the box to see the yellow fox. "I'm done." Tails said and looked happy towards Knuckles.

"Awesome!" Knuckles said but then looked confused at Tails. "Sooo, what now?" the red echidna asked. "Now we need to test it." Tails said and took the gun, which looked a lot like the one Eggman has. 

"Tails, why are you looking at me like that. Stop it!" Knuckles said as Tails started smiling at Knuckles with the gun in his hands. "Come on Knuckles, you know I have to test this thing on a living being." Tails said and ran after Knuckles as he started running away from him.

"I'm not thinking about playing your guinea pig again, shoot that thing on someone else!" Knuckles shouted as he kept running away from Tails. Suddenly one of the laser beams was hitting the stone Knuckles just passed. "Stop moving already, how am I supposed to hit you if you're moving that much?" Tails said and was still running after Knuckles.

"That's exactly why I will not stop!" Knuckles said angry and looked back at the fox. Suddenly Knuckles crashed into someone or something causing him to fall down and Tails, who didn't see that coming, stumbled over Knuckles, also falling down.

"What the heck, Knuckles!" Tails said and stood up. Tails looked around searching for his invention, which he somehow dropped as he stumbled over Knuckles, but stopped as he heard Knuckles speaking. "Amy? What are you doing out here? Wait, if you are here, that means Sonic is here too." Knuckles said and jumped up, ran towards Tails and hide behind him, looking nervous around.

"Knuckles calm down." Tails said as Knuckles was clinging onto him but put his attention on Amy as she ran towards him with a worried look. Amy started jumping around and barked something but it seems like Tails and Knuckles couldn't understand her. Out of frustration Amy took hold of Tails glove and pulled on it, telling Tails to follow her. 

"What the heck is wrong with her?" Knuckles asked confused and looked at Tails. "I don't know. Amy, what's wrong?" Tails asked a bit worried as Amy still tried to pull him somewhere. She pulled Tails all the way towards the tree but to her shock, Sonic was gone. 

Amy let go of  Tails glove and started running around while sniffing the ground. "Seriously what's up with her and why is she even out here and why isn't Sonic with her?" Knuckles asked as he and Tails watched Amy running around. "This would be much easier if she could talk." Tails said.

"Then try out your invention, you wanted to know if it works anyway." Knuckles said with crossed arms. "What! But what if it isn't working and I only hurt Amy with it?" Tails said worried. "WHAT. You don't want to shoot her but you would shoot it at ME." Knuckles said angry. "Well ..." Tails said and Knuckles looked angry down on the two tailed fox. 

"Just try it already, if you can't do it, let me do it." Knuckles said. "You are right. Alright, here goes nothing ..." Tails said as he pointed the gun at the still worried Amy. Amy noticed the argument Tails and Knuckles had and looked confused at them. But her expression changed to worry as she saw Tails pointing the gun at her. 

Slowly she walked whimpering backwards till she suddenly bumped in the tree behind her. "Please let this work." Tails said and shoot. The laser hit Amy and she fell unconscious on the ground. "AMY!" Knuckles and Tails shouted at the same time and ran up to her. 

Hope you all like it. I'll try to finish this story during the summer break, before I have to go back to school again.  

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