Chapter 9: Final Chapter

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Sorry for not updating last week but I had my theoretical driving license exam and I failed it again (I tried once and failed there too). And well after that I was kinda depressed because I couldn't do it (again) and wasn't in the mood to write. Anyway I hope you all like the story so far and now I hope you enjoy reading the final chapter.

"So you finally managed to put the collar onto him, took you long enough." Eggman said after Orbot told him what happened during his absence. "At least we were able to do it, unlike a certain someone." Orbot mumbled and crossed his arms. 

"What did you just say?" Eggman asked and looked angry at his servant robot. "N-nothing boss." Orbot said and moved away from the evil Doctor. "Now come on it's time to teach my new pet, who's boss." Eggman said and Orbot and Cubot looked confused at each other before they followed.


"Move it Knuckles, we have to get Sonic out of Eggman's lair." Amy yelled while she ran after Knuckles, who ran way to slow for her liking. "I'm already running at full speed, if you want to ran faster go on and run ahead." Knuckles said annoyed. 

"Can you two stop arguing already, we are on a rescue mission. You can start arguing and fighting after we rescued Sonic." Tails said and looked annoyed down on his two friends while he flew above them. "Sorry Tails." both Knuckles and Amy said.

"Tails, how much longer do we have to run." Knuckles asked out of breath. "About ten more minutes, we could have taken the Tornado but a certain someone had to cause an explosion." Tails said and glared at Knuckles. "Whoops 😅 " Knuckles said and sweet dropped while Amy looked confused at Tails and Knuckles. 

"There is Eggman' lair, I hope Sonic is fine." Amy said as she saw Eggman's lair in the distance. "Finally!" Knuckles said relieved. "Stop complaining, better think of a way how we can get inside." Amy said as they reached the lair. 

"I have the perfect idea, we just have to find the energy sector then I can turn it off and afterwards we can-" Tails was interrupted by Knuckles who punched down the wall. "... or we just burst our way in and activate the alarm system." Tails said and looked angry at Knuckles. 

"Bad idea?" Knuckles asked and looked confused at Tails and Amy who both starred at him with crossed arms. "You idiot, now we will be run over by dozen of robots." Tails said angry. "Whoops." Knuckles said before the three friends made their way into the lair through the hole Knuckles just made. 

"Weird I can't see one single robot, you sure this is the right lair Tails?" Knuckles asked as there was no robot in sight. "THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE." Tails said furious while Amy ran ahead. "Come on guys, I think we have to go this way to find Sonic." Amy said and ran off. "Amy wait." Tails yelled and he and Knuckles ran after her.


Meanwhile with Sonic ...

Sonic woke up by the sound of the door opening and as he looked up he saw the egg-shaped Doctor with his two servant robots next to him. "Time to wake up Sonic, your training as my new killing machine starts right now." Eggman said and walked nearer towards Sonic. Seeing Eggman as a week opponent, Sonic yawned before he turned over and closed his eyes again. 

"What the ... Did he just fall back asleep." Eggman asked and looked back at Orbot who nodded. "HOW DARE HE. HE CAN'T JUST FALL ASLEEP WHILE I WANT TO TRAIN HIM." Eggman yelled and looked angry at his two servant robots. "Don't yell at us, we obey you, better tell your pet to do what you say." Orbot said and turned his back to Eggman who growled angry. "Fine then." Eggman said and crossed his arms.

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