Return of the avatar

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Bright flames lit up a dark room, the bright flames where getting bigger by the second, they where spreading quickly I thought I was gonna get burned but then the flames just stopped.

Next thing I knew I was in a dark room and after a minute I herd rumbling. mountains where suddenly growing right of the ground. I tried running away but every time I tried mountains just kept popping up right in front of me. when I finally stopped the mountains stopped growing and I was in a dark room again.

After another minute I herd what sounded like splashing and next thing i knew I was in water trying not drown. every time I would try swimming away the waves just kept getting rough and kept splashing me. And when I finally stopped to take a breather I saw a giant wave forming and before I could scream the wave came bearing down and wiping me out.

I was in the dark room again lying down, I check if I was ok then I noticed I was dry like I didn't even touch water. I got up, I started to walk around to see what was gonna happen next. but all I could hear was wind, I kept walking and the longer I walked the stronger the wind got. I decided to stop walking because I thought the wind would stop but it didn't it just got stronger. next thing i knew I was getting cared away by a Tornado. I tried screaming but I couldn't I just couldn't scream it's like something wouldn't let me.

It was getting hard to breath.

while i was spinning in the tornado I saw I figure on the ground just watching me.

I whispered "help" like the figure would hear me. I stopped struggling for moment to trying to get a better look at the figure, the figure looked like a teenage girl with a pony tail on the back of her head and what I thought where two pony tails in the front. she was dressed in blue.

I reached my hand to the blue figure, when I did I started to fall, the tornado just let go of it's grip from me. I was falling, praying that I wouldn't die. when I finally landed on the ground. I landed very softly, like I didn't even fall from 20 feet in the air.

I pushed my self up from the ground, when I did I saw the blue girl right in front of me. she was wearing brown boots with white fluff on the top, blue baggy pants, with a brown pelt around her waist, with a light blue sleeveless shirt. her skin was tanned.

When I stood up I started to get a closer look at her face. her eyes were closed and before I could do anything she opened her eye and they started to glow.


I woke up in a panic, breathing heavily with sweat dripping down my face. I starting looking around in a panic, I started to calm down when I saw I was in my room and reassuring my self that it was just a dream...

One crazy.. weird.. dream

Before I could Lieback down there was a knock at the door.

"Mayren are you up?" My mom asked from behind the door.

"It's time to get ready for school" she said

I looked at my clock it was 5:30 the usual time I have to wake up to get ready for school.

"Umm..yeah mom.. I'll be down in 5minutes" I answered back.

"Ok there'll be breakfast waiting for down stairs" she said and walked off.

"Huh... The morning is evil" I said with a tired voice.

I got up from my bed and walked to my dresser to pick out my clothes, I picked a green shirt with dark green sleeves that go up to my elbows.

And dark blue Jeans and my black boots that go up to my ankles and then I brushed my hair, which was no point because it would just get messy later in the day, but I brushed it anyway and if it got messy I would bring my brush to school.


I went down stairs and I smelled blue berry waffles with syrup.

"Your breakfast is sitting on the table over there it might be cold though" my mom said pointing in the direction where the waffles are.

"Thanks mom" I said with a smile

I pick up my plate to move to the table to sit down. while walking to the table my mom asked why I don't ever dress nicer for school.

"Because there's no need, I'm only there for a couple hours, and in those hours I'm just sitting in class listening someone teach over annoying kids" I said

"That doesn't mean you should a least dress nice and actually do your hair for once"

"I do my hair it just never stays!" I said with an annoyed voice.

" Yeah whatever" she said with a chuckle and walked away.

I gave her an angry glare.

I put my plate down and cut a peace off of my waffles and put the peace in my mouth but I spit out because it was to hot.

"Hey! I thought you said these where cold!" I yelled

"They supposed to be there were sitting there for 5 min" she yelled from the other room

I looked at my waffles with a confused look on my face. but then I just kept eating them. Hey there's no need to wast perfectly good waffles right?


This is my first fan fiction I've wrote and I'm a HUGE FAN OF AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER AND LEGEND OF KORRA so let me know what you think. thx😁😄

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