Not again

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I looked at my reflection in the puddle, the image was kinda blurry but I didnt know if it was the Shaky water or my head when I hit it on the ground in the fight. I thought about the fight wondering how it happened, why, Alexis had to fight me, why she hated me so much, then I started to think about what happened during the fight before I ran out.

"What was that thing?" I asked myself

"Did..did I do that?" then I started to remember what Alexis said to me when I looked at the rock wall, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME YOU FREAK"

"H-how did I do that, is it even possible to do something like that?" I asked myself while still in shock of what happened, then I started to remembering that rumbling sound, it sent chills up my spine just thinking about it.

I felt like there was a clump in my throat, and I felt my eyes were getting watery but I held myself from crying because I hated crying.

"Hey are you ok miss?" A voice asked me

I looked behind me, there was a man standing there, he was wearing a black jacket with ripped jeans and he had sun glass over is blond hair.

"W-what?" I said in a shaky quite voice

"I said are you ok" he reached out his hand to grab me.

I was still on the ground so I Scooched back so He wouldn't grab me.

"Come on, I won't hurt you"

I stood up and started to walk backward.

Then he tried reaching for me again, I dodged his hand and then I slowly started to runaway from him.

"Hey! Come back!" I herd him yell

He started to run towards me I tried running faster then him but I guess I hit my head pretty hard because everything was kinda blurry and shaky and I kept stumbling.

He finally grabbed my arm "hey" he said with concern.

"Let go of me!" I yelled while trying to wiggle my hand out of his grip.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" he said

I stood still I looked at him with anger and I felt the clump in my throat get bigger.

"I said let go!" I clenched my fists and then tried pushing him with the energy I had left and then I herd rumbling again and next thing I knew a giant rock grew out of the ground and pushed the guy away from me and sent him flying 10 feet away.

My eyes grew in shock at what just happened "i did it again" I whispered to myself while looking at the rock wall that pushed the guy and then I looked at my fists that where still clenched in the air.I gasped and quickly put my hands down to my side but when i did the rock wall was pulled back in the ground, which made the side walk go back to normal like nothing happened.

I herd the guy groan and then I look at the guy who was pushed, I walked towards him slowly, I looked at him carefully the side of his head was bleeding.

"Ow.. w-what d-did you d-do to me" he said In a hurt filled whisper.

"I..i " I tried saying but I stopped because I started to hear police sirens and they where getting close.

"I-I'm sorry" I quietly said to the man, then slowly started to run.

When I started to run I kept thinking about that guy and how I made his head bleed and then I started to think of Alexis and her hand I felt the lump in my throat again and I felt tears sliding down my face "What the hell is going, how did I do that" I whispered to myself while running to my house where I could get away from all this craziness.


I opened the front door and walked in I saw my mom and dad talking to a man, my stomach dropped when I noticed it was my Principal, probably talking about what happened at school.

My mom turned her head to see who opened the door, then she gasped. "MAYREN OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!"

My mom and dad ran towards me checking my face and asking me if I was ok. I looked at my principal.

"Principle harley w-what are you doing hear?" I said while pushing my moms hand away from my face.

"Well I'm here to discuss to you and your parents about what happened at school"

"Mayren what happened to your face, it's all fucked up and you look So pale" my dad said to me while looking at the gash on my face.

"Well that's why I'm here, Mayren was in a fight today"

"What!?! Why would you fight someone" my parents said at the same time.

"It wasn't my fault, it was all Alexis!" I yelled.

"Why would someone do this to you" my mom asked me

"I hope you intend to do something about this" my dad said to mr. harley

"Oh yes we do, but first we have to ask Mayren some questions first because there was a ....strange....incident during the fight" mr. harley said while looking towards me.

"What strange incident, Mayren what is he talking about" my dad asked me while looking at mr. Harley then at me.

" Mayren what happened" my mom asked me.

Everyone started to looking at me, my heart started to beat faster, I started breathing faster and everything started to get blurry. "Mayren... are you alright" everything was started to spin "her head is bleeding" I heard my mom say, then next thing I knew everything went dark.


Hey I updated!! Let me know what you guys think, I think I'm gonna start updating every Sunday cuz that's what I've been doing anyway lol. thanks for reading I'll update next Sunday 😁😁

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