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I was standing in a what I assumed was a room, I couldn't see any walls, windows or a door that I could use to get out of hear. everything was pitch black, the room looked like it was being swallowed by complete darkness. I couldn't recall how I got here or what this place is. the room seemed to go on forever, I wanted to yell to see if anyone would answer me and to listen to the echo it would leave behind to see how big this room really is, but when I tried nothing came out i couldn't make any noise come out of my mouth I didn't know why. the only noise I could make was small taps from my feet whenever I walked around. without an echo to see how big this room was I decided to find out by walking straight through this dark room.


(What seemed to be 5 hours later)

Well I was right ( for once) this room did seem to go on forever, I walked for what seemed like hours no matter how far I walked it felt like this room would never end, I wanted to quite but I decided to keep walking.

After like an hour or so my feet started to really hurt like someone dropped a rock on them. I finally decided to take a break and try to figure out what this place is and figure out how to get out of here. I didn't have anywhere to sit but the hard floor.... great....but when I sat on the floor it wasn't hard at all it was soft like a pillow of snow and it felt like it to, I felt like I was sitting on a ice cube but a soft ice cube. "How come it feels different from when I was walking on it" I thought to myself, I laid down on the cold floor wondering where I was and how I would get out of here. after about like 15 min of thinking of the mysterious room, I closed my eyes so I could sleep for a min but I couldn't it was like something was keeping me from sleeping.

I just laid on the cold floor just staring into the darkness, wondering how I got in to this mess in the first place. I turned on my side and the floor made a crunch sound that surprised me, "what was that?" I thought to myself. I patted the floor to see if it would make that crunch sound again and it did, It was weird every time I touched the floor it it would make that crunch sound. when I stopped playing with the floor, my hand was cold and wet like I just finished playing with snow.

I felt a cold breeze blow on my neck which made made me shiver a bit, I turned around to see what it was but there was nothing just complete darkness like there always was.

Another breeze of cold air hit my face, I sat up and cold air hit my face and the air was stronger and colder. I tried to stand but the air was getting stronger, I lost my balance a couple of times. when I finally regained my balance the cold air got stronger, trying to blow me down on my butt again. I tried to see through the darkness while the cold air kept hitting my face, I took one step forward but when I did the wind got even stronger, as the wind kept getting stronger it also kept getting colder. The cold winds kept blowing in very direction it felt like I was standing in the middle of a blizzard, it was getting difficult to keep my eyes open.

I clothes my eyes and waited for the cold winds to die down, but the wind didn't seem like it was ever gonna die down. I waiting in the freezing cold for like hours, I was pretty sure I was gonna freeze to death before the wind would ease up. I didn't know how much longer I would last in this blizzard. I couldn't feel my face, my fingers felt like ice cubes and my legs where getting shaky from trying to keep my balance from the blizzard. but before I could give up the icy winds started to spin around me like it was gonna lift me up and carry me.

After about 5 min the icy wind started to slow down until their was barely a breeze. I finally opened my eyes and instead of seeing the dark room again I saw That I was out side walls in this weird compound That was made of ice. Which I found weird because I didn't really feel cold I kinda felt warm like I was being hugged by something. I looked at what I was wearing and it came to a shock to me that I was wearing winter clothes.

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