The hospital

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The lights where dimmed so it didn't hurt my eyes to much when I woke up, the machines that where attached to me where beeping leaving a quite echo in the room and through the halls. To my right was some balloons and cards and gifts that said get well soon. my mouth was really dry and it tasted like blood.

My mom and dad where standing at the end of the bed with the doctor, while my siblings sat outside of the room.

I tried getting up but when I did a blast of pain shot through my entire body all at once and it hurt like hell, it also gave me a really bad head ache. I held my head because of the pain, " ow.." I said with raspy voice, I had a sore throat so it would hurt to speak. My mom walked to my side making me lie down again, "Mayren don't get up your still healing from the stitches".

I felt there where bandages wrapped around my head and there was one on my right cheek, "stitches... w-what happened...?". My father looked at me with a confused look, "don't you remember you came home from school from a fight and you where all banged up and you where bleeding from the back of your head." I broke eye contact with my dad and looked at the edge of my bed in confusion," I was in a fight..." I suddenly remembered the fight from beginning to end, every little detail, all the noise from the fight echoing in my head especially the rumble sound, it sent shivers up my spine. "..Oh ya the fight.. it wasn't really that bad", I said lying through my teeth. "wasn't that bad" my dad started to yell, "that little fight sent you in the hospital!"

"Ok ok honey no need to yell everything will be just fine." My mom said trying to calm my dad down which isn't very easy. you see my dad is a tall and tan guy with a Black Mustache and black hair he always combs back. and when he gets angry or frustrated he's pretty scary, he gets his temper from his Hispanic blood. ( a/n I am not trying to be racist here I promise you and if you get offended In anyway I'm sorry.) well that's what he tells me, and when he goes off HE GOES OFF and it's even worse when you try fighting with him, which I kinda do when he yells at me because I have his temper to .

"Oh it will be ok as soon as we get that other kid she fought with what she deserves." My dad said while crossing his arms.

"And that's exactly what we intend to do" said a familiar a voice coming through the door. Everyone one turned to face the familiar voice it was mr. harley my principal, his blackish grayish hair was geld back, he was wearing his usual black suit with his old raggedy red scarf. Mr. harley was holding flowers in his left hand and in his right hand a black brief case. "But before we can do anything we have to get Mayren's side of the story first."

"Mr. harley??."

"Hello Mayren glad to see your awake from such a long nap." He said while walking towards my parents.

"Wait what do mean long nap, how long was I out??" I said trying to sit up

My mom walked toward my bed to adjust my pillow," honey you've been asleep for 4 days. "4 days!!" I tried yelling with my sore throat but It just made my throat hurt more. "Yes you took quite a hit to the head, and that's why I'm here to get you side of the story so we can get this whole thing straightened out. so if it'll be ok with you mr. and mrs. Duran I'd like to talk to Mayren alone." mr. harley asked my parents.

"Yes that's perfectly fine as long as that little-"



My dad cleared his throat " right.. well we'll be in the waiting room if you need us." my parents walked out of the room with my mom pushing my dad out so he couldn't do or say anything else. Mr. harley chuckled at the sight of my parents leaving the room "lovely parents you got there" he said grabbing a seat next to my bed.

I laughed at his comment "hehe ya they're really something."

Mr. harley set his brief case on the floor next to his chair, "ok Mayren I came here to talk to you, get answers and set things straight, so Mayren what happened at the fight."


Hey sorry I updated so late everyone I've been busy and I got my phone taken away cuz I had to clean my room and I'm also sorry that this chapter was really short I'll try to make the next chapter longer and I'll try to update sooner. so thanks for reading everyone plz vote and comment 😬😏😎😐

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