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JIMIN sighed tiredly after his long shift at "jins cafe". It's been some time since he's had a full 8 hour sleep, and he sure as hell would love one now.

"Jimin, you can go home now. And here's your pay check" his boss Jin said as he handed the envelope to him, who was quietly wiping the tables.

"Thank you mr. Kim" Jimin mumbled as he bowed, Jin smiled at the kid. He's cute. He thought as he ruffled the younger's copper brown hair. "Get out of here, oh and take the day off tomorrow"

Jimin nodded shyly, but to be honest he really wanted to work. He had to find a way to make money since his condition required it.

You see, Jimin wasn't one of the lucky bunch who were born into a rich family. If anything, he was born to an alcoholic and a maid, but he didn't really mind the lack of money. It wasn't like he was living in the streets or something, he just wished he could be at the very least...average.

Jimin hated school. His teachers were super nice to him, people tried to help him a lot, and most adults pitied him. And he despised it.

He hated it when teachers talked slowly to him, it's like he's disabled or something.
I'm not deaf, I'm poor.

He hated it when his friends forced tutored him, saying he needed educating.
I'm not stupid, I'm poor.

He hated it when bullies talk about his life, like they actually know something.
I'm poor. But I have feelings too.

Jimin sighed as he made his way out of the tiny shop; so far Jin has been his one true friend... if he even counted as one. Jin didn't ask when he first saw jimins dirty clothes, or messy hair... he welcomed him with open arms. If Jimin didn't knew any better, he would've mistaken Jin for his own mother.

He smiled at the memory of Jin buying him clothes. He couldn't thank him enough for it, he cherished everything anyone has ever given him. Although Jimin was poor, he was somewhat thankful for it. He was glad he wasn't raised like one of those stuck up rich kids. Because when you're poor, you learn how to appreciate the littlest things in life.

Jimin sighed once again when he realised he's been standing at one spot for so long. He looked up to see the shoes he's always wanted, it was sitting inside the local shoe store just begging for Jimin to take it.

No, I must use this money wisely. Jimin thought as his eyes linger towards his pay check. It wouldn't hurt to spend $10 right?


Jimin smiled at the cashier boy as he walked past him and to where the shoes laid. "Ah it's so beautiful" Jimin mumbled as he picked the baby blue vans-like shoe up.

He stared at it for what seemed like a million years, before deciding he really wanted it and brought it to the cash register.

The cashier boy gave him a sweet bunny smile and quickly scanned the tag, "that would be 10.23" the boy said. Jimin hummed and took out the envelope. He peeked in to find his pay was all in cash. He silently thanked Jin and took out a 10 and a 1 dollar bill.


"Thank you come again!" The bunny boy said as Jimin made his way out. Jimin however was to busy admiring his new shoes, which of course led to a disaster.

Jimin blinked, he was surprised when he was now sitting on the hard ground. What the hell? Jimin thought as he looked up to meet a strangers face.

He looked so cold. His black fringe covered more then half of his eyes, and his expensive looking black coat made him look shady.

"Watch where you're going mister" Jimin said annoyed. The man looked un amused. "How unprofessional" Jimin mumbled when he didn't get an apology. Jimins words made the man scoff however, "you ran into me. Get that straight."

Jimin blinked, now standing face to face with the man. "You were so busy looking at your shoes, you didn't even pay attention to me who let me just say, was standing here the whole time."

Jimin gulp and blushed when he realised it was his fault. "O-oh", he was embarrassed, true, but at the mention of his shoes he began to panic.

"Oh yea! My shoes! Where are-- gasp"

Jimins word were caught when he witnessed his shoes in a pile of mud.
"No no no no no" Jimin said as he immediately picked it up and began wiping it clean.

The stranger watched without care, dumb boy. He thought when he saw jimins shirt dirty. That's  when something caught his eyes;

"Did you just buy shoes for $10?"

He scoffed when Jimin looked up at him with a straight face.

"I'm poor you dumbass"

"Of course you are, well have fun digging around the trash for something to eat"

Jimin felt his blood boil by his words, "Yah!! Listen here punk-"

The man raised his hand, causing Jimin to stop talking. "I don't listen to commoners. Until you own the shoe company, you're merely one of the many body's of this world."

Jimin gritted his teeth to prevent any more curse words to flow out. "And with the amount of money your parents have, you should be able to afford some manners. But an asshole like you wouldn't know what that is even if it slapped you in the face!"

The stranger raised his eyebrow in amusement. "Says the guy who is cursing at an innocent person." Jimin rolled his eyes before stepping close to the rude stranger,

"Go suck a dick"

Jimin then ran the opposite way, hoping to never meet the stranger again.

The man on the other hand was bewildered. Never in his entire life has anyone ever talked to him like that; it was weirdly satisfying,

"Who was that kid?" He thought to himself. And at that moment he noticed something on the ground, he must've dropped his receipt.

The man thought as he scanned over the tiny paper.

"Park Jimin.... interesting"


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Did I ever tell you guys my husba-- I mean my bias is kookie??

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Did I ever tell you guys my husba-- I mean my bias is kookie??

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