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I looked at myself as my face was reflected by the mirror. The blood was dry, and for now, I'm trying to remove all the shards that were left inside that wound before anyone else could notice, since this is not something I can make excuse of. A lot will most likely be curious and ask me a bunch of questions I don't even want to talk about.

Unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to sleep. So, I took the liberty to walk around, get some fresh air; rather than letting my heart palpitate all night long due to my mother's presence instead of getting a good night sleep.

I ended up choosing the park to do so. Leaning against the tree, with my hands tucked inside my pockets, I gazed upon the kids playing with their parents; kite flying, enjoying rides together-have each other's company as if they didn't have a single thing to worry about.

I sighed. "I wasn't an exception."

Just as I was about to lie down onto the ground, I heard the children laughing as they ran past me. It made me sick, making me remember that time when Mom...didn't even play with me back then. I was always left alone. And maybe that's why I can't bring myself to befriend others.


A girl with golden locks fell on top of me. And by on top of me, literally hitting me on the head with her whole body. I gasped in pain by my neck, feeling my wound by the side of my face re-opening. "Ah- you've got to be kidding me-" I kept hissing in pain, looking at the woman who caused this, lying in front of me.

"Ahh..." she complained, looking up above the tree. "You could've at least told me where I was going to fall!"

I would've been expected to look at whoever she was talking to, but I was in no good condition nor do I have the energy to do that. Instead, I waited for her to look my way, and once she did, we only managed to stare at each other-as if we were both waiting for something to happen, waiting for the other to make a move.

I was going to grasp that chance, but she raced me to it, putting her hands together, rubbing it as she kept her eyes closed shut. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry. I-It was an honest mistake, I'm so sorry."

At this state, all I could do was wince at the pain my wound was giving me; look at the way she kept on bowing an apologizing in front of me-a stranger apologizing this much is..strange. "It's fine."

"Oh." she quickly pointed at the wound by the side of my face, scooting near me as she took a closer look at it. "what happened to this? A-are you okay? Did I do this!?" she was getting louder as much as she was getting paranoid about me hurting.

Gently, I removed her hand away from it, and looked her in the eye as I spoke, "No, you didn't. I just..tripped on my way here." I lied.

"That must've been one big trip, then. I know how I can heal it!" she lurked around the park near the tree, squinting her eyes in every corner she was at, searching for something. "There must be an infirmary here somewhere."

I stood up and started to walk past her. "Forget it. I'm going home, anyway."

"But- the wound.."

I tried being polite, but this time, I got more irritated, especially when she touched my arm again. I made her let go of me, she stopped and stared with those worried eyes of hers. I would've been shocked (and a bit grateful) to see how a stranger like her would worry about me this much; but..

"Yah, I don't know who you are; we just met and don't even think of following me all the way home."

I heard her scoff as I continued to walk away from her. "Don't even worry about that. I'm not a stalker!"


I arrived a bit earlier than usual; already placing my brush in the glass with water by my side, filling my palette with mostly dark colors-I plan to paint something I've been feeling about my mom for the past years of my life.

With a gentle stroke of the brush against the canvass, the blue had overtaken it by surprise; a little yellow sunlight was supposed to be seen but it was discreet and will decide to show itself once it is confident-once it escapes the darkness.


I had almost lost my focus and was forced out of my imagination when a voice called out to me. There, I saw IU-sunbaenim walking toward me, holding on to her painting by her side. As soon as she saw my painting, she kept tapping her chin, "What is this?"

Out of embarrassment, I bowed my head-it looked absolutely ridiculous to paint, if not horrible. IU-sunbaenim is a far greater artist and it pains me to see her question my art, not offensively, but rather, she didn't quite feel the rage or even the melancholic aura I was trying to project.

"Jungkook, are you okay?"

I almost broke down the moment she asked me. No one has ever asked how I was doing-a distinct flashback of the blonde stranger appeared in my head. Why do I feel like I've seen her somewhere before?


"Ah, IU-sunbaenim, I'm sorry, I-I was thinking of something."

She pouted, placing her painting on top of the table behind me, then she herself climbed on to it, still staring at my painting, even tilting her head, trying to figure it out.

"You seem like you're going through something. Is that what you wanted to portray?"

Trying not to let her know, I gave her a small smile, "No, I was just trying out a new theme, that's all."

She nodded, but with her eyebrows furrowed, it would seem she didn't take my excuse seriously. "Okay. Jungkook, I want you to portray it better. I can feel like you know what I'm trying to say." she pointed at my painting. "The moment I saw this, I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing, that's why nobody's going to take it seriously or take their time trying to feel it. That's what you lack-passion."

"Thanks, IU-sunbaenim.." It felt weird suddenly being mentored by her. I look up to her, but it's a whole different level when she was telling me all this. I just went through the night unable to sleep, then ran off as soon as I woke up. I didn't know what to feel. I'm so confused.

"Hey," she smiled upon me as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "how about after class, we go out to a nice place I always go to whenever I'm lonely, hm? My treat."


i already have the perfect ending but so far i think i suck lol thanks for reading ^^

» posted : 05 - 03 - 17

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