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Once I was out of the shower and ready for my morning I walked out of the bedroom to see Juice sitting on the couch of my new living room. Happy and I had moved into the new house two weeks ago and we were finally making it a home, okay well I made it a home. I made sure that anything that resembled a bachelor pad was long gone, I was done with anything that reminded me of living at the club house. It felt amazing to have a place to call home and to know that Happy was here with me, it was our place.

"What are you doing here this early?" I asked juice who was sitting on my couch looking half asleep and half hung over.

"Happy sent me, he said you needed to go grocery shopping or some shit. So here I am. Best friend on duty. Figured we should get it done before we leave for the run this afternoon." He stood to his feet and I gave him a smile, he was my best friend aside from Lyla. He was always the guy that Hap sent with me unless Juice was needed for club business, then I was stuck with Kip who wasn't half bad.

"I do have a few things I need to pick up. Let's get this shopping trip of ours over with."

Juice followed me to the store on his bike, I thought about running the yellow light to lose him but decided against it when I thought of how annoyed he would be. I was in a good mood so I figured that he should be to. When I got to the store he parked his bike right next to my car and walked with me to the store, he even grabbed the cart.

"Do you have like a list or something?" He asked me, I looked over my shoulder to see him leaning on the cart while pushing it. It made me smile.

"Yeah... no I don't. I figured I would just wing it, I know what we need. It's just a handful of groceries, Hap needs deodorant and body wash, and then I need some random stuff."

He nodded but smirked as I started putting the groceries in the basket. "It's so funny seeing Happy all domesticated and shit. Like he actually has an old lady that he lives with and you take care of him. I never thought I'd see the day."

"Trust me, no one did." I thought it was sweet though, no one ever expected happy to settle down and get an old lady, let alone the daughter of the mother charter's president. He was going to be forty-six in just a few weeks, I think they all figured that his boat had sailed and he missed it. Guess they were all wrong.

I finished up the shopping by grabbing Happy's stuff and picked up some shampoo and conditioner for myself. Then we walked towards the checkout.

"Hey, you don't need any of this women stuff, do you?" Juice questioned as we passed the tampons. I came to an abrupt stop as I turned to look at the tampons, that's when a thought came to my mind and I started to panic. "Carmen, you alright?"

"Juice... I'm three weeks late."

"Three weeks late for what?" He was so clueless that if I wasn't worried I would have laughed. I widened my eyes and motioned towards the tampons. At first, he looked confused but then his eyes went wide. "Oh... Oh shit. What does that mean?"

"It means we need one of these." I grabbed a pregnancy test and threw it in the basket. He hurried to the check out and that's when I had to hold back a laugh, he was suddenly in such a hurry to get out of there.

When we got back to the house he helped me carry everything in but stopped me when I started to put the groceries away.

"You go take that. I'll put this shit away." He pushed the test towards me and I nodded before hurrying towards Hap and I's bathroom.

I didn't know what to think as I took the test. I wasn't ready for this and Happy definitely wasn't ready for this. We had never talked about what our future held for us, I didn't know how he felt about kids and to be honest, I kind of assumed he just didn't want them. I knew that he loved me, that much was obvious even though he had never said it... but this worried me.

The timer on my phone went off and I took deep breath before looking down at the test on the counter.

"Oh shit." I take the box and the test and throw it in the trash before calling juice into the bathroom.

"What happened?"

"Take this trash out to the dumpster for me."

"Carmen, what happened?"

"It was positive."

His eyes went wide but he didn't say anything, he just took the bag of trash and left me alone. What the hell was I supposed to do now? How was I supposed to tell happy about this?

I pulled my phone out of my purse and called Tara.

"Hey Carmen, what's up?"

"Hey, do you think you could do me a favor?"

"Yeah, of course, what's up?"

"I need you to run some test when the guys head out on the run this afternoon."

Tara paused before answering, "Yeah, head over once they leave."

I hung up just as juice walked back in, "You wanna head over to the club house to tell Hap before we leave?"

"Juice, don't tell anyone alright?" He looked confused, "I'll tell them when they get back but I just need some time to process this, alright?"

"Uhm, yeah okay." He didn't seem sure but I chose to trust him. "Come on Carmen, I'll follow you to the club house."

And he did just that. I parked my car at the shop and walked into the club house to see Kip behind the bar, Bobby and Piney were sitting in front of him, Jax was sitting on the couch while Happy and Chibs were playing pool. I didn't see Tig or Clay but I knew that they had to be around somewhere because all the bikes were here.

"Why does Juice look nervous as shit? What'd you do to him Carmen?" Jax asked with a laugh. I looked over my shoulder at Juice, who now had everyone's attention, to see that he did look insanely nervous. I glared at him and he seemed to get my thoughts, he smiled at everyone before leaving the room.

"I didn't do anything. He is just being weird." I answered my brother before moving to step in front of Happy, he gave me a smirk before kissing me hard but pulled away when I barely responded.

"You okay?"

"I'm not feeling well, I just wanted to stop by to see you guys before you took off for two days." I gave him a small smile and he nodded before pulling me against his chest. I hugged him tightly, instantly relaxing in his arms. I took a deep breath before pulling away and kissing him softly. "Be safe." He gave me a stern nod before I moved to talk to Jax who was now standing, waiting for me. "Keep an eye on my man, got it?"

"Always, baby sister." He pulled me into a hug before Chibs took me in his arms next.

"Don't worry about the boys, love. I'll keep an eye on em both."

"Seriously do, Chibs. I know what happens in Tacoma." I give Hap a warning look and he holds his hands up in mock surrender with a small smirk. 

"Don't worry Carmen. We all know you got Happy's balls locked in a chastity cage." They laughed but Happy just rolled his eyes, apparently used to the jokes.

"Don't be a dick Jax." I send him a playful glare before kissing Happy one last time and leaving. I wasn't lying when I said I didn't feel well, I was sick to my stomach at the thought of being pregnant and not knowing what to do but I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to be alone at all so I went to the studio to help Luann, I knew that it would keep my mind off things until I could get in to see Tara in a few hours.

A/N: So, do we think Juice can keep a secret?? Let me know what you think about the story so far!

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