Twenty Four.

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A/N: hey guys!! Hope you like it!!! Please let me know what you think!! Comment and vote please!!!


My mother had a way of always trying to fix things. She likes things her way and no other way is good enough, even when it comes to club business she has a way of manipulating Clay so that he thinks the ideas are his. I don't know how she does it.

When she called me, asking if I could stop by the shop to talk her about something, I wasn't exactly allowed to say no. That's how I found myself pulling into the lot of Teller-Morrow three days after the 'L word' moment with Happy.

I parked in what used to be my normal spot and made a B-line for the office, not wanting to get stuck talking to any of the guys. When I got to the office my mother was sitting at the desk going over paperwork, I swear this place was always behind.

"Hey." I greeted her as I took the seat across from her.

"There you are, I thought you would have been here earlier."

"Sorry, I had some things to take care of at the studio. Luann said to stop steeling me, by the way."

Gemma rolled her eyes as she stood up, shutting the door so that we were alone. "Luann can get over it."

"I'm sure she will." I watched her, curious as to why I was there. "So, what is it?"

She furrowed her brow and tilted her head. "A mother can't just want to see her little girl?"

"Not when her little girl is busy and avoiding this place."

"So, you admit it, you have been avoiding the shop. Why?" When my mother asked a question she always got an answer, I didn't even bother beating around the bush with her because I knew it was pointless.

"Because I don't want to be around a bunch of guys."

"Honey," she gave me a sad look, "They are your family. They love you and they're worried about you."

"Well tell them to stop worrying." I stood to my feet with all intentions of leaving.

"I'm having a dinner at my house tonight. You and Happy are coming, be there by five thirty to help me, Luann and Lyla. Dinner at Seven, let Hap know." She looked back to her paperwork and I knew it wasn't up for discussion.

"Will do."

When I walked back onto the lot I was greeted by Juice, he had a broad smile on my face and was excited to see me.

"Carmen, how are you?" Before I could respond he had wrapped his arms around me. I flinched but hugged him back quickly. "Crap, I'm sorry." He apologized as he pulled away and I shook my head.

"No, it's fine. I need to get past it."

"Are you coming to dinner tonight?" He seemed hopeful and I realized I missed his goofy grin.

"Yeah, we'll be there." The sound of bikes pulling into the lot caught our attention, I turned to see that Happy and Tig were pulling in. "I'll see you tonight." I told Juice before walking towards Hap as he got off his bike.

"What are you doing here?"

"Mom wanted to ambush me. We're going to her dinner tonight."

He smirked at my answer before pulling me into his side. "Good." I rolled my eyes as he led me towards the club house. "How you feeling?"

"I'm feeling like if anyone else ask me that question, I'm going to punch them in the throat."

"That good?" He teased and it brought a smile to my lips, it was hard to be in a bad mood when Happy was in a good one. Sure, they were still absolutely livid about Weston getting arrested but they had calmed down a bit. "Seeing you there will lighten the mood."

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