Chapter 31

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It wasn't until later Christmas day I met Sophia. Her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders and onto the straps of her black dress. We sat in the crowded living room, talking amongst ourselves. She was gorgeous and surprisingly really smart and witty. Not that I was expecting her to be dumb, I was just impressed by how much I was liking her already. 

Liam returned with a glass of wine which he placed on the table in front of her. We were in the middle of discussing her time at University.

"The campus is really lovely this time of year, it's so different here in the states." Her accent hinted at the end of her words, it was so charming. I had never really heard an English accent on a girl, only the boys. It was different, in a pleasant way.

"Yeah, especially here in Florida," I replied, taking a quick sip of my water. "It's always Summer here really." I gave a small laugh and adjusted my dress that I had borrowed from Lauren. It was looser than the one I had worn to the party and always seemed to find a way to ride up on my thighs.

"So what exactly are you studying?" I asked, continuing the conversation.

"Fashion design, it's more of a hobby of mine that got a little out of hand," she gave a small laugh.

I loved watching Liam as Sophia spoke. He was bent over, his elbow on his knee and hand supporting his head as he gazed up at her. It was obvious his love for her, you could tell by the way he hung to her every word, and how he watched her lips moved as she spoke. He took in every hand motion (which she did alot but I didn't mind) and how her face reacted to every story she told. My insides burned and I craved for that kind of relationship. One where a guy would act like that to me. But it seemed impossible at this point in time for someone to love me like that. Like how Liam loves Sophia. I am only 17, well almost 18. But Sophia was only 20, so it wasn't exactly impossible..

I tuned back into Sophia's voice as she told me about her studies. The excitement was shown in her voice as she spoke about her dream to be a Designer. Her eyes were bright and the white smile never left her cheeks.

"So besides designing is there anything else you do?" I said when I got the chance, she did talk alot. But it didn't bother me at the moment, I glad I didn't have to make conversation. I'm awkward at speaking to people, especially at times like tonight where I'm on stress overload at the amount of people. I had no idea the boys had so much family and friends.

"Well I model a little for my friends and my own designs."

I wasn't really surprised. It would've shocked me more if she didn't model. She was tall, and curvy in all the right places. With perfect cheekbones, and full lips, no wonder Liam adores her. Sophia was pretty much what all girls want to look like. She spoke on and I was out of it for the most part. I felt bad that I wasn't listening to her, especially this being the first time I met her. But I couldn't focus on anything. Anxiety had crept up on me and was slowly engulfing me as time passed.

"Sounds fun, hey I think I'm gonna go get some more water.." I dismissed them, shakily standing to my feet. I made a mental note to apologize for leaving so abruptly later, but as I glanced back over my shoulder it seemed neither Liam or Sophia had given it a second thought. They were too enveloped in each other to really take it to mind. I rolled my eyes in annoyance than mentally slapped myself after. There was no reason to be acting that way. I guess I was just jealous they had each other. 

"I need a boyfriend." I mumbled to myself, pouring a glass of water in the now over crowded kitchen. I take that back. I don't need a boyfriend. I just felt like I did after seeing how much Liam and Sophia were caught up with each other. Deciding to push the jealousy aside and just be happy for them, I squeezed my way out of the kitchen mumbling "excuse me" here and there. "Now what," I said to myself as I stood in the middle of the room. Everywhere in the house there were dozens of people, I would never actually get away from the mass of bodies scattered about. I took a step out onto the patio, sure enough at least 30 people stood around and sat by the fire. One of which being Lauren. I made my way over and stood by the arm of her chair. Well, Niall's considering she was sitting on top of him.

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