Chapter 43

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My throat began to ache and I realized that I was screaming. Quite harshly might I add. I stood frozen in the doorway of Harry's room, watching as he studied the scissors in front of his face, leaving me completely horrified. 

"Harry what's going on," I croaked, my voice failing me halfway through. I took a few more careful steps into the room, watching him closely for any sign of danger. Towards him, or myself. "Where is everyone?" I continued shakily, inching closer to where he sat. Why had they left him here alone? The boys and I had had this discussion long ago, we had all agreed that someone had to be with Harry at all times. Under any circumstance. This was exactly why. I cursed under my breath. No one was here to help me if I needed it. Lauren had dropped me off than ran to the store for dinner tonight. I was on my own till then.

I hesitantly took a seat on the bed in front of him, his eyes never leaving the attached blades he held in front of him. He was hauntingly quiet. It felt like a horror movie. The part before something bad happened and everything got eerily silent. But this wasn't a movie. This was reality. And I was beyond terrified at the sight sitting in front of me. And almost as if on cue, his crazed eyes flicked up to me, his hands beginning to tremble and fidget like they always did. The corners of his mouth drew up and down, like he was trying to say something but was too deep in whatever was going  on inside his head to actually speak.

"Talk to me Harry," I squeaked, slowly placing a hand on his knee. And then, he was off. The second my hand came in contact with his skin, he was on his feet. His scissors now pointed threateningly at me. At any other time, I would find the use of scissors as a weapon humorous, but now, I could only see them as the cause of my death. 

"Don't touch me!" he bellowed, his voice frantic and quivering. I could see the red puffiness of his eyes and I knew he was crying. The moisture on his cheeks glimmered under the dim light of the small lamp from across the room.

"Harry," I whispered, putting as much effort into my voice as possible. But with no luck, it came out weak and hushed. What was he doing?

"Stop," he growled loudly, gritting his teeth and tightening his grip on the weapon. "You keep doing this to me, just stop!" He flung his hands in the air, the scissors now held so loose I was scared they would slip out of his reach and come at me. Then again, I would be able to get them away from him that way. But I was too disoriented by his words to concentrate. Doing what to him?

"Harry I don't know..-"

"Stop!" he now had his hands in his hair, pulling viciously at the roots, and for a moment I was scared he'd rip it all off. "Stop talking," he growled lowly, sweat now forming on his hairline. I did as told, not saying another word, hoping he would continue onto some explanation of what's going on. Because one thing's for sure, the Harry now in front of me, isn't Harry at all. This is the Harry I've only seen once before, a long time ago. The first time I ever saw him act this way at all actually. But I could tell, this time, it was worse.

"You think you can come here, and fool me? Get inside my head?" he hissed lowly, his voice slurred but not in the drunken way. In the mental way. The scissors were still tightly clutched in his palm, down by his side. Thankfully the blades were pointed the other direction, but as if I spoke to soon, he suddenly side stepped in front of me. Hovering over my body, the scissors now threateningly set in the stabbing position. I coward back, a slight sob escaping my lips as he screamed. "Well think again bitch!"

I was now almost fully on the bed, my elbows propped up behind me to hold me up as he stood over me, the green in his eyes now black and glazed over. The voice inside my head immediatley spoke for me. Harry isn't here right now. 

"What's going on" I whispered, holding back my cries. The already hard features on his face turned to stone, and he whipped around, storming across the room. His hands began harshly hitting his face, and blood began to pour from his nose. My gut ached at the sight and I immediately turned away, whimpering into my hands. I knew what was happening. It was the voices. The ones he's claimed to hear inside his head constantly. What it really was, I'm not sure. But right now, I could tell they were more severe than ever before.

Bangs and vicious groans sounded the room, and I knew he was practically beating himself to death. I needed to do something, but I was frozen on the bed, my eyes sealed shut from the horror around me. I only began to sob harder. My body trembled at the force in my cries. My insides wrenched and I blindly tucked my knees into my stomach so I was now laying in a ball in the middle of the bed, while Harry does who knows what else to himself. And suddenly, it was quiet. At first I assured myself that he was only taking a breather, that he would soon proceed to beat himself some more in a moment. But it stayed that way. Silent.

Then the worse flooded into my mind. The scissors. What if he...

I frantically sat up, peeling the damps strands of hair off my cheeks and out of my mouth. But even then I still continued to cry, I couldn't stop. My emotions were too out of control at the moment and the tears and quiet sobs kept coming. And to my relief and to my horror, Harry didn't lay dead, bleeding on the floor. He instead stood a few steps away from the bed, watching me intently as I cried, his head cocked curiously to the side. Some of the green had seeped back into his pupils, but not enough. Not enough for comfort, I was still terrified beyond compare.

I examined his body, dry blood matted his arms along with scratch marks which I assume he caused. His face was also smeared a deep red, though his nose was no longer bleeding. His hair stood in all directions, giving him a psychotic appearance, which seemed to fit pretty well at the moment. His clothes were ruffled and wrinkled from his frantic movements and only then did it hit me how strange it was to see him look this way, so disheveled and torn apart, then feel and hear the peacefulness around us. It was like the calm after a storm. One hell of a fucking storm.

I looked back up at his face to see more color has returned to his eyes, but I was not eased by it one bit. As if something washed over him, his face dropped and he looked around the room, his eyes locking on me. He moved his mouth to say something but I shook my head, horrified at what he might have to say. He then took a step towards me, causing me to sharply suck in and blindly crawl backwards, farther away from him. Tears spilled onto my cheeks and I began to whimper as he took another step.  "please," I whispered, backing up to the edge of the other side of the bed.

His eyes grew emotionless and he froze in his tracks, following my silent plea. But still I was uneasy, sitting in this room with him. I didn't look at him, yet I could feel his eyes set on me. I needed to get out of here. But moving didn't seem to be an option. If I left, he'd come after me, if I stayed, he'd speak. Both were enough to make me vomit.

The sound of the front door opening and closing followed by light footsteps, signaled to me that Lauren was home. I darted my eyes up to his that were already focused on me. I needed to make my move now. But he was blocking the doorway. I couldn't walk past him, not that close. I couldn't. And as if he read my mind, he moved to the side out of the way. His head low and set on the ground beneath him. I hesitantly stood from the bed, my eyes never leaving him and I slowly started towards the door, then sprinting out as if he might follow. But he didn't.

I ran down the hall and into my room, not stopping until I reached the bathroom. I turned on the shower tap and stepped in. Not waiting for the water to heat up and facing the cold splash along my skin. And then I cried. And cried, and cried, and cried.

How is it? Be sure to leave comments and vote! If you guys ever want a chapter in someone else's POV just let me know and i'll be happy to do it :) love you -kenzie

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