Chapter 40

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Lauren and I sit in silence for a bit as I struggled to gather my thoughts. I was the cause for so many wrongs in Harry's life. I never realized how much could happen in 2 years. Quite a lot really. More than I could ever begin to imagine. But I wasn't going to let myself dwell on this like I have in past times. Yes I need to take it to mind, but in a motivational way. My goal was to help Harry. If not somewhat cure him. That was the big picture and I can't let myself loose sight of it. I would have to block out my own demons to get rid of his.

"Well while you're dressed up, why don't we go out for the day? I need to run to the mall if you're up to it." Lauren asked, placing a hand tenderly over mine.

My body wants to say no, I'm still sore from cheer practice and feel worn out. But my mind says otherwise as I give Lauren a nod and grab my bag. I've been putting off shopping lately and I'm really in need of some Summer clothes. Winter doesn't last long in Florida and it'll be getting warmer soon. Not to mention school's starting back up in just 4 days and I could use a new outfit or two. I follow Lauren out to her car and climb in beside her. Music plays throughout the ride and we arrive at the Sears parking lot in 15 minutes.

I follow Lauren around the stores for a majority of the time. Picking things out of the racks here and there, carrying it around for a bit, then second guessing the article of clothing and hanging it back on the rack. That's how most of my shopping goes. We walked into Pacsun and I slowly felt myself drifting away from Lauren and deeper into the store. This is where I got most of my clothing and the familiarity drew me to the racks. After 10 minutes, I had two pairs of leggings, a grey flannel, and a new black beanie all bundled up in my arms. I caught sight of Lauren at the register and I slipped in beside her, placing my clothing next to hers and pulling out my card.

"You're not paying for this." Lauren defended, only making me roll my eyes and force the card into the worker's hand. This earning a groan from Lauren and a smile from me.

"It's for being such a good friend." I said, giving her a settle elbow to the side and making the corners of her mouth move upwards.

The worker, looking a little awkward at mine and Lauren's exchange of words, handed us our separate bags and we left the store.

"Do you mind if we go to Ulta?" I asked as we weave our way through the mall. "I need some more make up."

With the nod of her head we change our direction, moving into the east wing of stores and in through the doors of Ulta. Not really knowing much about make up, I'm immediately overwhelmed. I've never actually been to Ulta. I only know that it's a popular make up store and when I realized I was in need of some it was the first thing that came to mind. I somehow find my way to the eye section and I pick up a stick of liquid eyeliner. "Ten dollars?" I say to myself, a little taken back at the pricey-ness. I look around at the other brands, but they're just as, if not more, expensive. Sighing, I grab a tube of scandal eyes mascara along with the eyeliner and go in search for Lauren. 

As I weave my way through the aisles, I look around at the foreign brands. Types of make up that I've never even heard of crowd the shelves and I start to feel like an old women. Out of date and unaware of everything going on around me. I stop as a familiar make up comes into view and I decide that this is where i'll wait for Lauren. "She'll find me eventually." I think as I pick up the tubes of lipstick, examining each one carefully then placing them back down. I casually pick up another tube as I wait and this one catches my eye. Plucking off the top, I twist the bottom of the stick, revealing the true color of the item. I hesitantly grab a sample paper, slowly streaking it with the tip of the lipstick. Though quite bold, I find myself drawn to the bright pink color. 

"You should get it."

I whirled around, facing a smug Lauren with a hand over my rapidly beating heart. 

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