Chapter 52

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"God dang it," I whined, missing the hole for the third time in a row.

Niall and I had decided to play a game of pool. I had finished my school work earlier that morning as usual, and I was determined to keep myself busy. I had gained a bit of weight ever since I quit cheer, and my lack of activity was starting to show. My skin now pale instead of it's usual tan, and my previously prominent muscles had seemed to evaporate into thin air.

I still looked healthy. I just didn't feel healthy. And whether it was by going for a run or playing pool, I was set on being active.

"You know," Niall began, shooting the white ball with his pole and hitting the stripped number 6 in the corner hole. "I had originally thought you were just unlucky," he leans on his pole. "Now I'm starting to think you just really suck at pool."

I make a sarcastic face at him and position my body for my next shot. I miss as usual. He laughs. I ignore him. The game goes on for a few shots until he speaks again.

"I'm glad you punched that girl."

I peer up at him from my shooting stance, my confusion turning into humor as I chuckle. "And why, may I ask."

He shrugs. "After hearing every thing that's happened to you, punching the head bitch straight in the jaw before dropping out to virtual school seems like a pretty bad ass exit."

I stare at him for a moment before throwing my head back in laughter. I had never thought of it that way before. I look back at him, still giggling.

Obviously satisfied with his joke, he continues. "But seriously, I'm glad you're back with us and not at that school."

I nod, swallowing and shooting the ball. This time it makes it. I give a grin and Niall lightly claps.

"Not to kill the mood or anything," I begin, watching as he takes his shot. "But you guys are leaving in less than a month for tour."

He squeezes one eye shut, focusing then shooting the ball. He stands back up, watching it as it rolls into the side of the table. "And?"

I'm slightly taken back. "And," I continue, forgetting about the game were in the middle of momentarily. "You'll all be gone and I'll be back at my own house."

I pause, then add, "alone."

He looks at me. "Alone?"

I nod. "My mom's moving to North Carolina with this guy she's met."

I feel no emotion as I say the words. I've already had my turn crying over that subject.

His face drops and he looks to his feet. "Oh man, I'm sorry Ava."

I shake my head, and wave off the subject. I can tell he wants to say something but he hesitates, like he's waiting for something.

"I uh-" he scratches the back of his head, laying his pole across the table. "I think you win." 

I chuckle. "Yeah okay."

He pats my head and disappears around the corner, leaving me alone in the game room. I sigh, holding my weight up on my pool stick and leaning my forehead into it. 

This is it, I think to myself. In less than three weeks i'll be back at my own house. My mom in North Carolina, and Lauren and the boys touring across the globe. Alone again. But this time, literally. 

Once they're gone, i'll have no one. I don't go to school anymore, I quit cheer, no social interaction what so ever. I don't talk to Caleb or Jamie anymore. I don't even talk to Ashton. 

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