Chapter 2

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Talking coming from the room around me shook me awake. I opened my eyes, rather fast I might add, causing a head ache to form near my temples. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked around. I was in my bed. I saw Louis and my mom standing and chatting at the foot of my bed. My confusion resurfaced but I pushed it to the side for the moment. They obviously didn't notice my awakening so I spoke up first.

"Hey," Their heads shot towards me and then they were suddenly by my side.

We sat in silence for a while till I spoke up again.

"I don't even know you. How're you my brother?"

He nodded his head, seeming to agree. "Well, half-brother."

"How does that work? I thought mom had to be married for you to be my half-brother?" I said, looking at my mom on my left side.

"You see," she spoke, "Before I had you, about 20 years ago I was with this guy Jake. We were together for a while and then this little lad was born!" she said reaching over the bed and rubbing Louis' head who just chuckled in return and making me roll my eyes. "So I was thinking," Louis started

"I wanted to ask you two to a day out! We'll go shopping, to lunch, anything you guys want." He continued, "I think you wanted to add something?" he said, looking at my mom.

"I can't be joining you guys today, sadly. I have a meeting with work then a dinner party later tonight." she said in response. My face dropped and panic overcame me. "What about the concert?" She couldn't bail. Not tonight. I had been waiting for this concert for so long. She can't do this to me.

"I'll take you." Louis smiled. I raised my eyebrows at him,surprised and slightly weirded out by his offer. I had just met him, he could be a seriel killer for all I know. But then I thought, if he didn't take me I wouldn't have a ride. So instead I gave a hesistant nod. I stepped out of the bed, resulting in dizziness and a quick black out of my eyes. Louis and mom began talking again as I got ready once more. Brushing through my hair and smoothing out my clothing before walking over to where they were sitting. We chatted for a couple minutes until my mom left the room due to the time she had left to get ready for work.

"Ready?" Louis asked and I nodded.

We walked out of my room and to the staircase. His feet going down two at time.

I grabbed my jean jacket hanging on the knob by the door, and my bag off the floor. "BYE MOM. I LOVE YOU, TEXT YOU LATER!" I screamed, assuming she had heard me and going out the front door. We walked out into the driveway, and then I stopped at the car in front of me. "This is your car?" I asked, staring at the black mustang in amazement. "All mine." he responded, once again pleased with my reaction. We got into the car, him driving, me in the passenger seat, he started to back out of the driveway then stopped, turning towards me. "How old are you?" he asked smiling. "Eighteen, well nineteen in 4 months."

"Perfect, you're driving." he grinned.

"Wait what?" I questioned. "I don't drive a whole lot and this car isn't exactly cheap to fix."
He must really hate this car if he wants me to drive it.

"Well now's the time to practice." he challenged back.

I sighed. We both got out of the car, him jingling the keys in front of me before I took them and got into the drivers seat. Both of us now seated, I plugged the keys into the ignition, the engine purring. I eased my foot into the petal, the car jerking forward before slamming my foot on the break. I looked over at Louis, my mouth hanging open. He just laughed, "Put the car in reverse first," he said, switching the gears for me. "Just a suggestion."

I gave a sarcastic scoff and checked behind me before backing out of the drive way. I weaved through the streets and out of the neighborhood onto the main road. "Where are we going?" I asked. It had only just hit me that we had left rather early and the concert didn't start for another couple hours.

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