The Amazing Adventures of Spud Lightyear

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Darkness fades over the city of Spudot, but the caped warrior knew this was just a call, a call for villainy, nighttime is when the crooks and anti-spud came out of their hideouts and smelly holes.

"Tonight" Spud thought, "we dine, in hell".

  At a signal from Lightyear, Spud-Man jumped down into his ship, "The Raging Spud's" cockpit, and flew into the eastern sector to watch for the evil Lord Turnips posse. Spud sighed as he surveyed the western sector, this particular area was infamous for it's large amount of cereal killers, evil Cookie Crisp zombies and Honey Nut Cheerio assassins are the most common thugs, Lightyear looked at his side kick, Potana, this young lass was trained in the art of the Potato Ninjas under Master Spind of the north-eastern sector of the city. Spud signaled for Potana to call a Potalice squadron in.

"Too many cocoa puff demons to take alone" Lightyear thought gloomily... "May actually need those useless city policemen anyway"

"Ugh" muttered Potana crossly as she salted her duel french fry sabres, "why do we need backup sir? We can take a few measly chocolate covered demons right?"

Spud smiled fondly at his young friend, "Potana, you'll see soon enough why we need those potalice troopers, you'll see."

As if on cue, 3 Potalice cars pulled into the sector, the officers brandished grease guns and called for the cocoa demons to halt, the largest of the demons turned and with an evil smile, launched chocolate milk into the squadron washing them back several feet and encrusting a good 2/3s of the squad in milk.

"Ok" Spud said with a sly smile, "now we wipe the floor with these overgrown Vermin"

Spud jumped off the building using his capes gliding ability to slam straight into the largest demons skull, instantly shattering his wheat brains. Potana jumped down neatly slicing 3 of the smaller demons into ribbons and salting their their bodies to make it all the more painful

With a quick flick of his wrists, Spud shot his grease cannons into the confused demon horde, splitting their numbers to less then a quarter of their original. Potana looked at Spud confused.

"Spud" she began slowly," whyd we need those Potalice officers? All they did was get smashed!"

Spud once again smiles at his companion

"Well"Spud said quickly as he blasted the grains out of another demon, "distraction"

"What?" Potana asked in a whisper, "a distraction? You sacrificed them!?!"

"Potana, you know well and good they would have been wiped out otherwise, would you rather lose a half dozen police officers, or the entire city?" Spud said in a matter of fact tone.

"well... When you put it that way" Potana said as she slashed the chocolate guts out of the last demon," I understand sir.... But couldn't we have done it a different way? Without killing innocent officers?"

Spud was about to answer when an ominous voice rose from the mist

"Well well well" the voice said.. Spud knew that voice, he could never forget it after what the voices owner did to his family.

"Hello Lord Turnip" Spud said flatly.

The Amazing Adventures of Spud LightyearWhere stories live. Discover now