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Tate and Lord Turnip clashed blades.


Tate smiled sadly and glanced at her...

"I don't."

Then he started smashing Turnip's blades with a dazzling display of swordsmanship only rivaled by the masters of Spudjitsu.

"Where did you?" Lord Turnip hissed as the they went into a cross blade standoff,"how did you learn these skills?"

"My father, didn't you know that if a potato consumes their flesh and grease, they gain all of their physical skills?"

"NOOO!!" Lord Turnip screeched, "guards, attack!"

As the guards charged Tate, he started mumbling an ancient incantation of peace and calming.

"Neamaspud ante Queñeatac Potamannak la CANKATS!!!" He roared as he dived over the first guard and slammed his blade into the second.

The third guard slashed and parried desperately but he knew he was no match... As Tate slashed through them, a glancing blow caught his left ankle. Now crippled slightly, he turned and cut down the guards holding Potanna freeing her. He threw her her own blades he wore on his back.

"Ill need some help, until Spud gets here."

Lord Turnip summoned three demonic troopers, but as he went to send them into an attack, he heard a feminine voice.


"SWITCH!!!" Tate and Potanna yelled in unison.

"That's riiiIIght! And I got a gift for your demons teehee."

She pulled her oversized blaster out.

"Bye bye demon creepys hehe"

BOOM the first one dropped.

SHAZZUM the second one dropped

PLOP the third one dropped.

Then.... Disaster struck... Cocoa Puff demons, and other cereal killers, arose from their dark pits... The sounds of battle reaching their ears.

Dinner time

"Oh sGod..." Potanna thought fearfully.."Spud get help... Please."

Spud Lightyears point of view

"I gotta activate the Spud-Signal... Now!"

Spud raced along in his ship the "Spud Commander" through the skyways of the Northeast sector...

"Signal. Signal... Signal... SIGNAL YES THERE!"

He landed on the roof of the Potato parliament building.

"Okay... Code would be... K. R. 0958. Spud.... Enter! Yes!"

The SpudVenger's signal blazed the sky, summoning all of the heroes to his aid.

First came Potato-Man and his sidekick, Poman

Next came Don Potato and Spud-Man

Then the others poured in, Spudder-Man, Super Spud, Tater Women, InisaSpud, The Spud of Carn, and lastly... Spud's oldest friend.


                              Switch's POV

"Tate and Potanna are fighting off a horde of Turnips... Lord Turnip is holding off the cereal with his remaining forces... Tate's wounded and Im out of ammo."


I jumped down into the mass of Turnips, slashing with my single dagger and drawing my longbow once Im behind Potanna.

"Tate, use your bow, give me your sword and Ill take your place."

Tate nodded and handed me his sword.... His fathers sword...

"This is important to him.... I shan't lose it." I thought.

Then I heard a familiar sound.

Tate had Iron-Spuds longbow.

In front of Potanna

"Uh... Oh.."

Potanna's POV


She roared as she slammed through the crowd and slashed the last 2 turnips.

"Ill deal with YOU, later TATE!!"


Spud led the heroes through the skys, landing amidst the cereal killers, he and the SpudVengers fought through them with only minimal injury.. He left a half dozen heroes, including Pok to fight Lord Turnip's troops. Then he himself charged at Lord Turnip.

Lord Turnip was at this point One VS One with Potanna, Tate was trying to get a clear shot at him but the cereal killers were keeping him busy. Switch was attempting to cover Potanna.. Don Potato stepped in, drawing his Spanish blade he said.

"Ill cover you señor Lightyear, just save that sidekick of yours!"

"Will do!" Lightyear said, Potato-Man, take out the power!

"Great idea! Potato-Man yelled, "Let's getem" he said to his sidekick.

Potato-Women, an older hero faltered as an asparagus sword pierced her chest... She died in a mass of cereal killers.

Spudder-Man died attempting to distract Lord Turnip, he never saw the greaser coming.

As the Turnip numbers dwindled, Lord Turnip faced the leader of the SpudVengers. Potanna lay wounded near Spudder-Man's body.

Lord Spud stepped forward.

"Give up Turnip, you cannot defeat us."

"Then I challenge three particular SpudVengers to combat, against me and my two best swordsman. To Lower the losses."


"Spud Lightyear"





"Alrig-wait who?"

Pok stepped forward, Pok was known as the Crippler of all for he never killed his targets, he would cripple them permanently.

He was also Spud and Tate's uncle.

"Oh bother..." Lord Spud thought...

Then a voice from the back of the room said "DEAL!"

As the crowd turned Tate stepped forward.

"The family you tore apart," Tate started,"will tear you apart.

"Good luck"

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